
Reliquiae Farlowianae #566
Thaxter, Reliqu. Farlow.
Thaxter [1 - 600]
IndExs #607682287

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Bryophytes
Catalog #: NCU-B-0001700
Farlow, William Gilson #566 00 September 1905
Racomitrium canescens (Hedw.) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra
United States, New Hampshire, New Hampshire Gate, White Mountain Notch

New York Botanical Garden
Catalog #: 356435
W. G. Farlow s.n. 00 September 1905
Racomitrium canescens (Hedw.) Brid.
United States of America, New Hampshire, Gate, White Mountain Notch

University of Michigan Herbarium
Catalog #: 604946
W. G. Farlow #s. n. 00 September 1905
Racomitrium canescens (Hedw.) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra
United States, New Hampshire, Gate, White Mountain Notch

University of Illinois Herbarium
Catalog #: ILL00016668
W.G. Farlow #s.n. 00 September 1905
Niphotrichum canescens (Hedw.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
United States, New Hampshire, Gate, White Mountain Notch.