
Sphagna Boreali-Americana Exsiccata #120
Eaton & Faxon, Sphagna Bor.-Amer. Exs.
D. C. Eaton and E. Faxon [1 - 172]
IndExs #2031286911

New York Botanical Garden
Catalog #: 275989
D. C. Eaton s.n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum DC.
United States of America, New Jersey, Atlantic Co., Pleasant Mills

University of Michigan Herbarium
Catalog #: 544308
D. C. Eaton #s. n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum Lam. & DC.
United States, New Jersey, Pleasant Mills

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, North American bryophytes
Catalog #: UVMVT013917
D. C. Eaton #s.n. 30 April 1893
Sphagnum compactum var. imbricatum Warnst.
United States of America, New Jersey, Atlantic, Pleasant Mills;

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium - Bryophytes
Catalog #: NEB00019786
D. C. Eaton #s.n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum var. imbricatum Warnst.
USA, New Jersey, Pleasant Mills

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-B-0021617
D. C. Eaton #s.n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum Lam. & DC.
United States, New Jersey, Atlantic, Pleasant Mills

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Bryophytes
Catalog #: PH00126266
D. C. Eaton #s.n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum var. imbricatum Warnst.
United States, New Jersey, Pleasant Mills

Yale University Herbarium, Peabody Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: YU.221257
Daniel Cady Eaton s.n. 30 March 1893
Sphagnum compactum Lam. & DC.
United States, New Jersey, Atlantic, Pleasant Mills; Pleasant Mills