
Bryophyta Arctica exsiccata #80
Steere, Holmen & Mogensen, Bryophyta Arct. Exs.
Steere, W.C.; Holmen, K.A.; Mogensen, G.S. [51 - 100]
IndExs #1199858687

University of Michigan Herbarium
Catalog #: 561198
K. A. Holmen #s. n. 09 June 1956
Cinclidium stygium Sw. in Schrad.
Greenland, Kitaa, West Greenland: Disko Island, Godhavn

University of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium
Catalog #: TENN-B-0014556
K. A. Holmen #s. n. 09 June 1956
Cinclidium stygium Sw.
Greenland, Kitaa, West Greenland: Disko Island, Godhavn

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Bryophytes
Catalog #: PH00098835
K. A. Holmen #s.n. 09 June 1956
Cinclidium stygium Sw.
Greenland, Godhavn [Qeqertarsuaq], Disko Island

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-B-0005628
Kield A Holmen #s.n. 09 June 1956
Cinclidium stygium Sw.
Greenland, Kitaa, WEST GREENLAND: Disko Island, Godhavn

University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
Catalog #: COLO-B-0011250
Kjeld A. Holmen #s.n. 09 June 1956
Cinclidium stygium Sw.
Greenland, Kitaa, West Greenland: Disko Island, Godhavn