Bauer, Bryoth. Bohem.
Bauer, Ernst [1 - 400]
IndExs #473981312

Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Bryophytes
Catalog #: 000180410
E. Bauer #260 06 June 1899
Amblystegium fallax (Brid.) Milde
Germany, An einem Nebenbachlein der Wussnitz bei Neuhütten [on a tributary of the Wussnitz near Neuhütten]

University of Illinois Herbarium
Catalog #: ILL00021281
E. Bauer #s.n. 06 June 1899
Amblystegium fallax (Brid.) Milde
Germany, An einem Nebenbachlein der Wussnitz bei Neuhütten [on a tributary of the Wussnitz near Neuhütten]