
Mosses of the Hawaiian Islands #6
Small, Mosses Hawai. Isl.
John K. Small [1 - 20]
IndExs #1876933631

Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Bryophytes
Catalog #: 000253298
A. A. Heller #s.n. 00 July 1895
Philonotis Brid.
United States, Hawaii, near falls of the Hanapepe River, Kauai

University of Illinois Herbarium
Catalog #: ILL00024831
A.A. Heller #s.n. 00 July 1895
Philonotis pulchella Small nom. nud.
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, Kauai Island, near falls of the Hanapepe River.

University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Bryophytes
Catalog #: CINC-B-0019638
Heller, A.A. #s.n. 00 July 1895
Philonotis pulchella Brid.
United States, Hawaii, near falls of the Hanapepe River, Kauai