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Mosses Of North America
IndExs #2044837119
Abbreviation: Crum & Anderson, Mosses N. Amer.
Editor(s): Crum & Anderson
Range: 1 - 1000 or more
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Abramov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas IV [31 - 40] (#796)
Abramov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas IX [81 - 90] (#801)
Abramov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XVI [151 - 160] (#808)
Abramova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas III [21 - 30] (#795)
Abramova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas VIII [71 - 80] (#800)
Abramova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XV [141 - 150] (#807)
Afonina, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [1 - 100] (#533)
Afonina, Czernyadjeva & Kurbatova, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [201 - 250] (#776)
Afonina, Czernyadjeva & Kuzmina, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [351 - 400] (#785)
Afonina, Czernyadjeva, Doroshina, Kurbatova, Kuzmina & Tubanova, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [281 - 350] (#778)
Afonina, Czernyadjeva, Doroshina-Ukrainskaya, Kurbatova & Kuzmina, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Ex [101 - 200] (#767)
Afonina, Czernyadjeva, Kurbatova & Kuzmina, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [251 - 280] (#777)
Afonina, Kuzmina, Mamontov & Czernyadjeva, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [451 - 500] (#792)
Afonina, Kuzmina, Mamontov, Tubanova & Czernyadjeva, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [401 - 450] (#791)
Aigret & François, Herb. Muscinées Belg. [1 - 100] (#538)
Allen & Pursell, Maine Mosses [1-386] (#363)
Allen, Fontinalaceae Exs. [1 - 174] (#48)
Allen, Mosses Cascade Mount. [1 - 147] (#116)
Allorge & Allorge, Bryoph. Azor. [1 - 133] (#758)
Allorge & Allorge, Bryoth. Iber. [1 - 250] (#672)
Allorge & Allorge, Crypt. Empire Col. Française Ser. A [1 - 20] (#589)
Allorge & Allorge, Crypt. Empire Col. Française Ser. B [1 - 20] (#689)
Allorge & Allorge, Crypt. Empire Française Outre-Mer Ser. C [1 - 20] (#701)
Andres, Wirtgen Herb. Fl. Rhen., Ed. Nova [1 - ~ 1200] (#420)
Andrus & Vitt, Sphagnoth. Bor.-Amer. [1 - 250] (#213)
Annenkov, Fl. Mosquen. Exs. [1 - 100 [500]] (#592)
Anonymous, Bryoph. Čechoslov. Exs. [1 - ?] (#720)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#618)
Anonymous, Krypt. Exs. [1 - 100] (#78)
Anonymous, Musci Japon. Exs. [1 - 50] (#157)
Anonymous, Pl. Graec. Bryoph. [52 - 72] (#725)
Anonymous, Soc. Dauph. [1 - ?] (#452)
Anonymous, Soc. Éch. Musci. [1 - more than 2500] (#658)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1888 [? - ?] (#770)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1892 [? - ?] (#724)
Anonymous, Soc. Sud-Est [? - ?] (#697)
Anzi, Musci Exs. Langobard. [1 - 411] (#757)
Artaria, Musci Hepat. Ital. Super. [1 - ?] (#606)
Austin, Hepat. Bor.-Amer. Exs. [1 - 150] (#57)
Austin, Musci Appalach. [1 - 450] (#134)
Austin, Musci Appalach. Suppl. [451 - 550] (#135)
Baenitz, Herb. Eur. [? - 10522] (#423)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. I [1 - 1500] (#611)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. II [1 - 650] (#584)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. II [651 - 1500] (#449)
Bakalin & Borovichev, Hepat. Ross. Exs. [201 - 300] (#787)
Bakalin & Konstantinova, Hepat. Ross. Exs. [1 - 50] (#779)
Bakalin, Hepat. Ross. Exs. [76 - 200] (#786)
Baker, Pl. N. Yorksh. [1 - ? 110] (#431)
Baker, Pl. S. Colorad. [1-4] (#204)
Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [1 - 65] (#187)
Balansa, Pl. Paraguay (#201)
Balcerkiewicz & Szmajda, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1851 - 1875] (#927)
Balsamo-Crivelli & Notaris, Musci Mediolan. [1 - 80] (#657)
Bardunov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XVIII [171 - 180] (#810)
Barth, Bryoth. Transsilv. [1 - 100] (#429)
Bartling & Hampe, Veget. Cell. Germ. Ser. A [1 - ?] (#455)
Bartling & Hampe, Veget. Cell. Germ. Ser. B [1 - 80] (#753)
Bartram, Mosses S. Arizona [1 - 175] (#114)
Bauer, Bryoth. Bohem. [1 - 400] (#12)
Bauer, Musci Eur. Amer. Exs. [1701 - 2300] (#148)
Bauer, Musci Eur. Exs. [1 - 1700] (#149)
Bauer, Schiffner Musci Brasil. [1 - 174] (#142)
Bavoux, Guichard, Guichard & Paillot, Fl. Exs. Billot [3301 - 4000] (#613)
Baxter, Stirp. Crypt. Oxon. [1 - 100] (#545)
Beck & Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [101 - 400] (#220)
Beck, Pl. Bosn. Hercegov. Exs. [1 - ? 300] (#623)
Bednarek-Ochyra, Godzik & Grodzińska, Bryoph. Svalbard. Exs. [1 - 80] (#546)
Beña, Musci Frond. Exs. [1 - 500] (#541)
Berdowski & Wilczyńska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1251 - 1275] (#543)
Berdowski & Wilczyńska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1076 - 1100] (#621)
Berdowski & Wilczyńska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1151 - 1200] (#738)
Berggren, Pl. Suec. Polar. [1 - 199] (#192)
Bescherer, Crypt.-samml. [1 - ?] (#483)
Billot, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1601 - 3300] (#539)
Blandow, Musci Frond. Exs. [1 - 300] (#635)
Blandow, Syst.-tabell. Samml. Laubm. [? - ?] (#650)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Canar. 1900 [? - ?] (#427)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Maderen. 1900 [? - ?] (#928)
Boros, Pl. Hung. Exs. [? - ?] (#932)
Borza, Fl. Roman. Exs. [1 - ? 2800] (#525)
Borza, Gergely & Raţiu, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3001 - 3300] (#454)
Bourgeau, Pl. Canar. 1855 [? - ? 1600] (#683)
Braithwaite, Sphagn. Brit. Exs. [1 - 53] (#759)
Brassard, Bryoph. Exs. Terr.-Nov. Labrador. [1 - 250] (#346)
Brébisson, Mousses Normand. [1 - 200] (#475)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. exs. Crypt. [101 - 500] (#258)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [ed. 2] [1 - 100] (#676)
Brinkman, Canad. Mosses [1 - 154] (#28)
Brockmüller, Mecklenb. Krypt. [1 - 300] (#566)
Brotherus, Bryoth. Fenn. [1 - 400] (#504)
Brotherus, Musci Fenn. Exs. [1-450] (#357)
Brotherus, Musci Turkest. [1 - 340] (#171)
Brotherus, Ule Bryoth. Brasil. [1 - 240] (#14)
Bryoph. Florida [1 - ?] (#946)
Bryophytes [31 - 377] (#8)
Bryoth. Montan. [1 - 430] (#20)
Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1801-1825] (#934)
Buck, Bryoph. Typ. Exs. [1 - 40] (#11)
Burchard, Pl. Exs. Canar. [1 - 400] (#702)
Buse, Hepat. Neerl. [1 - ? 100] (#466)
Buse, Musci Neerl. [1 - 175] (#535)
Calmet, Moussier Schwaegrichen [1 - 321] (#686)
Carrington & Pearson, Hepat. Brit. Exs. [1 - 290] (#58)
Cassebeer, Wetter. Laubmoose [1 - 30] (#531)
Cassebeer, Wetter. Laubmoose [31 - 70] (#709)
Catalog. Geograph. Pl. Brasil. Trop. [1003 - 3959] (#31)
Chen, Musci Sin. Exs. [1 - 50] (#169)
Chevallier, Musc. Mamers [-] (#489)
Churchill & Eckel, Musci Planitiebus Incolae Exs. [1-50] (#359)
Clark & Frye, Hepaticae [1-] (#362)
Clements & Clements, Crypt. Format. Colorad. [1 - 615] (#35)
Clements & Clements, Herb. Format. Colorad. [480] (#73)
Croall, Pl. Braemar [1 - 602] (#509)
Crome, Samml. Deutscher Laubmoose [1 - 60] (#722)
Crome, Samml. Deutscher Laubmoose 1. Nachlief. [61 - 90] (#614)
Crome, Samml. Deutscher Laubmoose 2. Nachlief. [1 - 30] (#456)
Czubiński & Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1751 - 1800] (#754)
De Sloover, Herb. Bryol. [1-700] (#358)
Debeaux, Algues Corse [1 - ? 144] (#564)
Deguchi & Yamaguchi, Bryoph. Asia [76-475] (#356)
Delogne & Gravet, Hépat. Ardenne [1 - 60] (#719)
Delogne & Gravet, Mousses Ardenne [1 - 250] (#707)
Desmazières, Pl. Crypt. N. France, Ed. 1 [1 - 2200] (#560)
Dickson, Coll. Dried Pl. [1 - 100] (#608)
Dickson, Hortus Sicc. Brit. [1 - 475] (#517)
Dietrich, Crypt. Gew. II Laubmoose [1 - 50 ?] (#706)
Dietrich, Samml. [ed. 11] [1 - 224] (#641)
Dietrich, Samml. [ed. 5] [1 - ~200] (#558)
Dietrich, Samml. [ed. 6] [1 - ~200] (#438)
Dirkse, Bryoth. Holland. [4908 - 5082] (#587)
Dismier, Bryoth. Gall. [1 - 450] (#699)
Don, Herb. Brit. [1 - 225] (#583)
Doroshina, Bryoph. Ross. Civit. Collimit. Exs. [501 - 525] (#790)
Drummond, Musci Amer. (#132)
Drummond, Musci Scot. Vol. 1 [1 - 100] (#661)
Drummond, Musci Scot. Vol. 2 [1 - 100] (#721)
Duda, Musci Hepat. Exs. [1 - 100] (#457)
Duell, Bryophytes [1-43] (#9)
Duffour, Soc. Franç. [1-8000] (#947)
Durieu, Pl. Sel. Hisp.-Lusit. [1 - ?] (#414)
Dusén, Hepat. Afr. Camerun. [2 - 507] (#380)
Dusén, Musci Afr. Camerun. [1 - 921] (#124)
Dusén, [S. Amer. 1895-1897] [1 - 877] (#162)
Duthie, Musci Himal. [? - ?] (#619)
Eaton & Faxon, Sphagna Bor.-Amer. Exs. [1 - 172] (#212)
Ehrhart, Phytophyl. Ehrh. [1 - 100] (#485)
Ehrhart, Pl. Crypt. Linn. [1 - 320] (#479)
Eiben, Ostfriesl. Laubmoose [1 - 150] (#477)
Ekart, Crypt. Gew. Koburgs [1 - ?] (#553)
Engelmann & Gray, Lindheimer Fl. Texana Exs. [1 - 754] (#732)
English, Fasc. Epping Forest Mosses [1 - 100] (#766)
Étienne, Mousses Normand. [1 - 250] (#481)
Familler, Fl. Exs. Bav. Bryoph. [1 - 800] (#681)
Faxon, N. Amer. Sphagna (#184)
Fiedler, Musci Frond. Exs. [51 - 150] (#593)
Fiedler, Musci Frond. Exs. [1 - 50] (#615)
Fleischer & Warnstorf, Bryoth. Eur. Merid. [1 - 400] (#379)
Fleischer, Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Exs. [1 - 300] (#154)
Fleischer, Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Exs. [301 - 400] (#943)
Fleischer, Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Polynes. Exs. [401 - 500] (#153)
Fleischer, Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Polynes. Exs. [501 - 550] (#944)
Flora America Sept. Exs. (#935)
Flora Indiae Occid. Exs. (#933)
Flowers, Utah Mosses [1 - 25] (#586)
Foreau, Musci Madur. Ind. Merid. Exs. [1 - 75] (#159)
Foreau, Palni Hill Mosses [1 - 150] (#567)
Frahm, Bryoph. Voges. Exs. [1 - 200] (#369)
Frahm, Campylopodes Brasil. Exs. [1 - 32] (#645)
Frahm, Campylopodes Centr.-Afr. [1 - 30] (#607)
Frahm, Campylopodes Exs. [1 - 175] (#654)
Frahm, Campylopodes Malays. Exs. [1 - 12] (#737)
Frahm, Campylopodes Peruv. Exs. [1 - 25] (#609)
Fristedt, Sver. Pharm. Växt. [1 - 740] (#416)
Fritsch, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [2801 - 3600] (#524)
Frye, Moss Exs. [1 - 127] (#109)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Bes. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [166 - 865] (#507)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. [1-125] (#365)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [1 - 125] (#488)
Funck, Deutschl. Moose [1 - ~ 380] (#426)
Fuss, Herb. Norm. Transsilv. [1 - 1100] (#565)
Gardiner, Lessons Brit. Mosses [1 - 18] (#572)
Gardiner, Lessons Brit. Mosses 2nd Ser. [1 - 25] (#616)
Gardiner, Lessons Brit. Mosses 3rd Ed. [1 - 38] (#501)
Gardiner, Lessons Brit. Mosses 4th Ed. [1 - 25] (#638)
Gardner, Musci Brit. [1 - 285] (#730)
Garovaglio, Muschi Austr. Infer. [1 - ? 60] (#514)
Ghişa & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [2901 - 3000] (#500)
Girgensohn, Musci Frond. Hepat. Exs. [1 - 250] (#733)
Gottsche & Rabenhorst, Hepat. Eur. [221 - 660] (#63)
Gradstein, Bryoph. Neotrop. Exs. [1 - 400] (#5)
Gravet, Bryoth. Belg. [1 - 383] (#374)
Gravet, Sphagnoth. Belg. [1 - 70] (#628)
Greschik, Bryoth. Carpath. [1 - 113] (#662)
Grout, Hand-Lens Mosses [1 - 76] (#54)
Grout, N. Amer. Musci Perf. [1 - 475] (#180)
Grout, N. Amer. Musci Pleuroc. [1 - 500] (#182)
Grout, N. Amer. Musci Pleuroc. Suppl. [1 - 74] (#183)
Györffy & Péterfi, Bryoph. Regni Hung. Exs. [1 - 150] (#574)
Györffy, Bryoth. Györffy [1 - ?] (#563)
Habeeb, Musci Novi Brunsv. [1 - 94] (#160)
Hagen, Musci Norveg. [? - ?] (#727)
Hahn, Moos-Herb. [1 - 90] (#422)
Hahn, Moos-Herb. [2. Aufl.] [1 - 90] (#764)
Hamberg, Krypt.-Herb. [1 - 100] (#600)
Hartman, Bryaceae Scand. Exs. [1 - 450] (#637)
Hassenstein, Laubmoose Thür. [1 - 254] (#459)
Hattori & Mizutani, Hepat. Japon. Exs. [851 - 1100] (#227)
Hattori, Hepat. Japon. Exs. [1 - 850] (#68)
Hattori, Musci Japon. Exs. [51 - 100] (#231)
Haynes, Amer. Hepat. [1 - 120] (#1)
Heinrichs & Anton, Bryophyta Exs. Gen. Plagiochilae [1 - 100] (#668)
Heinrichs & Holz, Bryoph. Exs. Gen. Plagiochilae [101 - 250] (#530)
Heinrichs, Bryoph. Exs. Gen. Plagiochilae [251 - 300] (#453)
Hellbom, Unio Itin. Crypt. [-] (#743)
Heller, Pl. Puerto Rico (#203)
Hennings, Krypt.-Typ. [? 1 - ? 120] (#675)
Henriques, Fl. Lusit. Exs. [1 - 00] (#550)
Hepaticae Rossicae Exsiccatae Fasc. XIII [301-325] (#936)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [1 - 00] (#197)
Higuchi, Bryoph. Sel. Exs. [? - 1500] (#734)
Hobson, Coll. Brit. Mosses Hepat. [? - ?] (#484)
Hodgson & Allison, Hepat. Exs. Nov. Zel. Ser. I [1 - ? 25] (#473)
Hodgson & Allison, Hepat. Exs. Nov. Zel. Ser. II [1 - 25] (#555)
Hoe, Bryoph. Hawai. Exs. [1 - 120] (#4)
Hohenacker, Kotschy Pl. Pers. Austr. [1 - ? 600] (#492)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Ins. Maclov. [1 - 90 or more] (#528)
Hohenacker, Pl. Labrad. [1 ? - ?] (#768)
Holmen, Bryoph. Dan. Exs. [1 - 474] (#3)
Holz & Heinrichs, Bryoth. Gotting. [1 - 50] (#19)
Holzinger, Mosses Idaho [? - ?] (#633)
Holzinger, Mosses Minnes. (#111)
Holzinger, Mosses NW. Montana (#113)
Holzinger, Musci Acrocarpi Bor.-Amer. [1 - 525] (#122)
Holzinger, Musci Acrocarpi Bor.-Amer. Eur. [526 - 675] (#123)
Hooker & Thomson, Herb. Ind. Orient. [1 - over 2000] (#443)
Hoppe & Hornschuch, Pl. Crypt. Sel. [? - ? 2200] (#468)
Hoppe, Coll. Musc. Frond. Germ. [? - ?] (#529)
Hoppe, Moostaschenherb. [1 - 352] (#598)
Horikawa, Bryoth. Archip.-Japon. [1 - 200] (#447)
Hornschuch, Moostaschenherb. [-] (#439)
Horton, Encalyptaceae Amer. Exs. [1 -] (#361)
Hose, Herb. Viv. Muscorum Frond. I [1 - 12] (#674)
Hose, Herb. Viv. Muscorum Frond. II [1 - 12] (#748)
Howe, Hepat. Calif. [? - ?] (#59)
Howell, Pacific Coast Pl. [? - ?] (#578)
Howie, Musci Fifenses [1 - ?] (#527)
Howitt & Valentine, Muscol. Nottingh. [1 - 24] (#554)
Hübener & Genth, Deutschl. Lebermoose [1 - 100] (#505)
Hübener, Deutschl. Laubmoose [1 - 25] (#648)
Hübener, Deutschl. Lebermoose [101 - 125] (#664)
Hübener, Samml. Kryptog. Gew. [? - ?] (#773)
Hübner, Laubmoose Sachsens [? - ?] (#715)
Hübner, Moos-Taschen-Herb. [1 - 104] (#425)
Husnot, Gen. Musc. Eur. Exs. [1 - 107] (#735)
Husnot, Hepat. Gall. [1 - 231] (#66)
Husnot, Musci Gall. [1 - 959] (#156)
Husnot, Pl. Antill. (#200)
Ignatov, Mosses of USSR (#120)
Inoue, Bryoph. Sel. Exs. [1 - ? 1000] (#6)
Ivanova & Pisarenko, Bryoph. Sibir. Exs. [1 - 75 ?] (#781)
Iwatsuki & Higuchi, Bryoph. Asia [1 - 75] (#660)
Iwatsuki & Mizutani, Bryoph. Exs. [1-200] (#355)
Iwatsuki & Mizutani, Musci Japon. Exs. [1701-?] (#945)
Iwatsuki & Noguchi, Musci Japon. Exs. [1501 - 1700] (#235)
Iwatsuki, Fissidentaceae Asiat. Exs. [1 - 20] (#378)
Jack, Leiner & Stizenberger, Krypt. Badens [1 - 1000] (#80)
Jack, Leiner & Stizenberger, Krypt. Badens Suppl. [unknown] (#367)
Jędrzejko & Stebel, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [226 - 275] (#442)
Jędrzejko & Stebel, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [801 - 1350] (#620)
Jędrzejko & Żarnowiec, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [1 - 100] (#694)
Jędrzejko, Klama & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [16 - 30] (#655)
Jędrzejko, Klama & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [31 - 75] (#680)
Jędrzejko, Klama, Stebel & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [181 - 210] (#712)
Jędrzejko, Żarnowiec & Klama, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [1 - 15] (#723)
Jędrzejko, Żarnowiec & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [126 - 250] (#588)
Jędrzejko, Żarnowiec & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [101 - 125] (#649)
Jędrzejko, Żarnowiec, Stebel & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [551 - 650] (#670)
Karczmarz & Mickiewicz, Musci Eur. Orient. Exs. [1 - 50] (#421)
Karczmarz, Hepat. Eur. Orient. Exs. [-] (#544)
Karczmarz, Hepat. Exs. Lublin. [1 - 60] (#432)
Karczmarz, Musci Exs. Lublin. [1 - 180] (#718)
Kavina & Hilitzer, Crypt. Čechoslov. Exs. [1 - 300] (#561)
Keck & Scriba, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [201 - 700] (#569)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [701 - 1300] (#640)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1300 - 3000] (#665)
Keissler, Krypt. Exs. [2601 - 3200] (#222)
Kerner von Marilaun, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [1-2800] (#366)
Kiaer, Musci Madagas. [? - ?] (#534)
Klama, Jędrzejko & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [76 - 105] (#705)
Klama, Jędrzejko, Stebel & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [106 - 180] (#605)
Klinggräff, Unio Itin. Crypt. [1 - ? 170] (#740)
Kneiff & Hartmann, Pl. Crypt. Baden. [1 - 200] (#576)
Kneiff & Maerker, Musci Frond. Alsatiae [1 - 250] (#679)
Kohlhoff & Hintze, Krypt.Herb. Pommern [1 - ? 220] (#742)
Konstantinova, Bakalin & Savchenko, Hepat. Ross. Exs. [51 - 75] (#780)
Konstantinova, Belkina, Likhachev & Shlyakov, Bryoph. Murm. Exs. [1 - 150] (#602)
Kopsch, Bryoth. Saxon. [1 - 600] (#360)
Kopsch, Moose Bornh. [1 - 50] (#704)
Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1001 - 1050] (#692)
Koła, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1226 - 1250] (#693)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. II [? - ?] (#667)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. III [? - ~ 900] (#736)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. IV [? - ?] (#462)
Kürschner & Parolly, Herb. Bryoph. Montenegr. [-] (#751)
Labrad. Moss. [1 - 98] (#81)
Lantratova, Bakalin & Maksimov, Bryoph. Karel. Exs. [1 - 50] (#469)
Lasch & Baenitz, Herb. Norddeutscher Pfl. [1 - 346] (#601)
Lazarenko, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XI [101 - 110] (#803)
Leiberg, Mosses Kootnai [1 - ? 266] (#110)
Leiberg, Musci Leibergiani [1 - 230] (#158)
Levier, Bryoth. Exot. [1 - 100] (#18)
Libert, Pl. Crypt. Arduenna [1 - 400] (#497)
Liebmann, Plant. Mexic. (#194)
Lilienfeldówna, Hepat. Polon. Exs. [1 - 100] (#486)
Limpricht, Bryoth. Siles. [1 - 250] (#22)
Limpricht, Bryoth. Siles. Musci [251 - 350] (#223)
Lin & Yang, Bryoph. Taiwan. Exs. [1 - 100] (#784)
Lin & Zhang, Bryoph. S. China [1 - ?] (#424)
Lin, Exs. Bryoph. Taiwan [1 - 250] (#441)
Lin, Yang & Yao, Bryoph. Taiwan. Exs. [101 - 150] (#789)
Lindberg & Lackström, Hepat. Scand. Exs. [1 - 25] (#522)
Lindgren, Musci Svec. Exs. [51 - 100] (#642)
Lindgren, Musci Svec. Exs. [1 - 100] (#238)
Lisowski & Szweykowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [776 - 800] (#585)
Lisowski, Bryoph. Afr. Centr. Exs. [1 - 40] (#446)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. Ser. B [1 - 550] (#761)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [801 - 950] (#518)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [576 - 675] (#552)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1276 - 1725] (#603)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1001 - 1250] (#626)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [701 - 775] (#458)
Lisowski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. B] [1826 - 1850] (#493)
Lisowski, Musci Asiae Med. [1 - ?] (#506)
Liverworts and Hornworts of the Interior Highlands Exsiccatae – Fascicle IV [-40] (#938)
Lorentz, Unio Itin. Crypt. [-] (#568)
Ludwig, Krypt. Gew. Riesengeb. [1 - 200] (#596)
Luisier, Bryoth. Lusit. [1 - 25] (#547)
Macoun, Canad. Crypt. [? - ?] (#24)
Macoun, Canad. Hepat. [1 - 116] (#26)
Macoun, Canad. Hepat. Geol. Survey [? - ?] (#610)
Macoun, Canad. Liverw. [1 - ?] (#27)
Macoun, Canad. Mosses [1 - 500] (#351)
Macoun, Canad. Musci [1 - 670] (#30)
Macoun, Canad. Musci Geol. Surv. [? - ?] (#29)
Macoun, Herb. Geol. Surv. Canada [May-79] (#43)
Magnier, Fl. Sel. Exs. [1 - 4137] (#377)
Magnier, Pl. Gall. Sept. Belg. [1 - ? 700] (#579)
Mandon, Hépat. Madère [? - ?] (#711)
Mandon, Mousses Madère (#107)
Mandon, Mousses Madère [? - ?] (#632)
Marcucci, Unio Itin. Crypt. [1 - ?] (#559)
Marie, Musci Guadelup. [? 1 - ?] (#495)
Marie, Musci Mayott. [? 1 - ?] (#684)
Massalongo, Hepat. Ital. Venet. Exs. [1 - 120] (#67)
Massalongo, Hepat. Ital. Venet. Exs. [101 - 120] (#755)
Matteri & Ochyra, Musci Fueg. Exs. Ser. V [1 - 100] (#746)
Matteri, Musci Fueg. Exs. Ser. I [1 - 100] (#771)
Matteri, Musci Fueg. Exs. Ser. II [1 - 100] (#772)
Matteri, Musci Fueg. Exs. Ser. III [1 - 100] (#708)
Matteri, Musci Fueg. Exs. Ser. IV [1 - 100] (#651)
Matteri, Musci Patagon. Exs. Ser. I [1 - 100] (#765)
McIvor, Hepat. Brit. [1 - 136] (#590)
Mickiewicz, Pl. Varsav. Exs. Musci [1 - 50] (#419)
Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Moose] [1 - 475] (#36)
Mikutowicz, Bryoth. Baltica [1 - 700] (#622)
Milde, Bryoth. Siles. [1 - 500] (#700)
Minkevičius, Fl. Lit. Exs. Bryoph. [1 - 20] (#643)
Mititelu & Barabaş, Fl. Bacov. Exs. [1 - ? 400] (#597)
Molendo, Unio Itin. Crypt. [1 - ?] (#582)
Mougeot & Nestler, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1 - 1100] (#214)
Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1101 - 1400] (#241)
Müller & Eck, Krypt. [? - ?] (#513)
Müller, Album Crypt.-Welt [? - ?] (#678)
Müller, Crypt.-Herb. Thür. Staaten [? - ?] (#536)
Müller, Krypt. Sachs. [1 - 200] (#729)
Müller, Unio Itin. [-] (#639)
Müller, Westf. Laubmoose [1 - 450] (#726)
Musc. Exs (#150)
Musc. Frond. Hep. Groenl. Terr. Labrad. [67 - 458] (#155)
Musci Alegrenses (#931)
Musci Javanici A Museo Botanico Universitatis Upsaliensis Distributi [? - ?] (#937)
Neureuter, Moos-Samml. [1 - ? 12] (#756)
Newf. Hepat. [1 - 235] (#175)
Newf. Moss. [1 - 572] (#176)
Noguchi & Hattori, Musci Japon. Exs. [101 - 550] (#232)
Noguchi & Iwatsuki, Musci Japon. Exs. [1201 - 1500] (#234)
Noguchi, Musci Japon. Exs. [551 - 1200] (#233)
Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra, Musci Polon. Exs. [701 - 1200] (#236)
Ochyra & Pócs, Bryoph. Afr. Sel. [1 - 200] (#472)
Ochyra, Bryophyta Antarct. Exs. [1 - 200] (#570)
Ochyra, Musci Polon. Exs. [1 - 700] (#164)
Okamura, Album Japan. Bryoph. [? - ?] (#498)
Opiz, Fl. Crypt. Boëmiae [1 - 200] (#577)
Ops. Philolich. [33 - 791] (#185)
Oudemans, Herb. Nederl. Pl. [1 - 1350] (#476)
Pacific Slope Bryophytes (#344)
Paillot, Renauld & Vendrely, Fl. Crypt. Sequaniae Exs. [1 - 328] (#523)
Passauer, Crypt. Exs. [4701 - 5000] (#373)
Perktold, Tirol. Crypt. [- ?] (#769)
Petrak, Crypt. Exs. [3201 - 4700] (#343)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. Moose [1 - 250] (#445)
Piippo, Hepat. Exs. Lindbergii [1 - 568] (#65)
Pilous, Bryoth. Čechoslov. [1 - 90] (#762)
Pilous, Bryoth. Roman. [1 - 20] (#460)
Pilous, Musci Cechoslov. Exs. [1 - 1350] (#144)
Pilous, Sphagna Čechoslov. Exs. [1 - 300] (#487)
Piper, Musci Occident.-Amer. [1 - ?] (#161)
Piré, Mousses Belg. [1 - 100] (#717)
Pisarenko, Fedosov & Bakalin, Mosses Russ. Far East Exs. [1 - 70] (#788)
Pitard, Pl. Canar. Exs. [1 - 851] (#750)
Pitard, Pl. Maroc [1 - ?] (#465)
Pitard, Pl. Tunet. [1 - ?] (#464)
Podpěra & Jedlicka, Bryoph. Exs. Reipubl. Čechoslov. [1 - ? 100] (#557)
Poech, Musci Bohem. [1 - 100] (#625)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Bryoph. (#191)
Powell, [Mosses Samoa] [1 - 140] (#695)
Prager, Samml. Eur. Harpidium [1 - 123] (#428)
Prager, Sphagnoth. Germ. [1 - 200] (#760)
Prager, Sphagnoth. Sudet. [1 - 146] (#752)
Presl & Presl, Veget. Crypt. Boëm. [1 - 50] (#450)
Presl, Fl. Sicula [1 - 250] (#575)
Pringle, Musci Mexic. [? - ?] (#478)
Pritchard, Brit. Mosses [1 - 50] (#490)
Rabenhorst, Bryoth. Eur. [1 - 1350] (#207)
Rabenhorst, Crypt.-Samml. Schule [1 - 500] (#434)
Rabenhorst, Hepat. Eur. [1 - 220] (#226)
Rabenhorst, Krypt. Samml., Syst. Uebersicht, Bryoph. [1 - 100] (#656)
Raţiu & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3301 - 3500] (#511)
Redfearn, Allen & Magill, Mosses Interior Highl. Exs. [1-334] (#347)
Rehmann, Hepat. Austro-Afr. [1 - 74] (#499)
Rehmann, Musci Austro-Afr. [1 - 424] (#137)
Rehmann, Musci Austro-Afr. Cont. [425 - 680] (#229)
Reichenbach & Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [1 - 100] (#418)
Reimers, Fleischer Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Polynes. Exs. [551 - 600] (#647)
Reinke, Mecklenb. Moose [1 - 30 ?] (#775)
Rejment-Grochowska, Hepat. Beskidi Siles. Exs. [1 - 25] (#480)
Rémy, Bouq. Crypt. Pacif. (#2)
Renauld & Cardot, Musci Amer. Septentr. Exs. [1 - 400] (#128)
Renauld & Cardot, Musci Eur. Exs. [1 - 350] (#354)
Renauld, Musci Masc.-Madagasc. Exs. [1 - 250] (#549)
Roumeguère, Bryol. Aude [1 - 276] (#519)
Roze & Bescherelle, Muscinées Envir. Paris [1 - 250] (#636)
Rusinska, Musci Mont. Vranica [1 - ?] (#624)
Saccardo, Muschi Trevig. [1 - 100] (#631)
Sainsbury, Hodgson & Allison, Musci Exs. Nov. Zel. [1 - 50] (#714)
Sârbu & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [601 - 700] (#634)
Sârbu & Mititiuc, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [701 - ? 800] (#685)
Sasaoka, Herb. Musc. Japan. [? - ?] (#688)
Savicz & Savicz, Bryoth. Ross. [1 - 40] (#551)
Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. [1 - 190] (#731)
Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas I [1 - 10] (#793)
Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas VI [51 - 60] (#798)
Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XIII [121 - 130] (#805)
Schade & Stolle, Hepat. Saxon. [1 - 270] (#741)
Schade, Sphagna Saxon. [1 - 10] (#537)
Schiffner, Hepat. Eur. Exs. [1 - 1465] (#64)
Schiffner, Iter Indicum [? 1 - 3484 or more] (#581)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Pr. [1 - 400] (#240)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Sec. [? - more than 1400] (#210)
Schimper, Unio Itin. Crypt. [-] (#673)
Schläger, Krypt. Gew. [1 - 100] (#494)
Schleicher, Pl. Crypt. Helv. [1 - 500] (#448)
Schljakov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas V [41 - 50] (#797)
Schljakov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas X [91 - 100] (#802)
Schljakov, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XVII [161 - 170] (#809)
Schmidt, Bryoth. Bohem. Exs. [1 - 400] (#644)
Schmidt, Führer Laubmoose [1 - 30] (#774)
Schmidt, Hepat. Sel. Germ. Med. [1 - 30] (#520)
Schofield, Bryoph. Canad. [1-175] (#352)
Schrader, Musci Venez. [1 - 154 (or 145)] (#173)
Schrader, Syst. Samml. Crypt. Gew. [1 - 174] (#580)
Schultz & Winter, Herb. Norm. Crypt. [1 - 100] (#629)
Schultz, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1 - 1600] (#430)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. [1 - 1200] (#548)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1 - 200] (#415)
Seringe, Mousses Helv. [1 - 100] (#451)
Sieber, Crypt. Exot. [1 - 65] (#34)
Sillén, Musci Frond. Scand. Exs. [1 - 506] (#516)
Sillén, Musci Svec. Exs. [151 - 200] (#170)
Simmer, Crypt. Kreuzeckgeb. [1 - 400] (#470)
Simmons, Iter Faeroense [? - ?] (#526)
Sintenis & Bornmüller, Iter Turc. 1891 [1-?] (#929)
Sintenis, Iter Orient. 1894 [? - ?] (#627)
Small, Georgia Mosses [1 - 75] (#53)
Small, Hepatics East. N. Amer. [1-25] (#72)
Small, Mosses Hawai. Isl. [1 - 20] (#117)
Small, Mosses S. US [1 - 54] (#118)
Small, Mosses S. US [1 - 25] (#739)
Small, Mosses S. US [26 - 51] (#745)
Šmarda, Crypt. Cechoslov. Exs. [1 - 350] (#571)
Smirnova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas II [11 - 20] (#794)
Smirnova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas VII [61 - 70] (#799)
Smirnova, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XIV [131 - 140] (#806)
Sobotka, Pl. Varsav. Exs. Hepat. [1 - 20] (#417)
Sommerfelt, Pl. Crypt. Norveg. [1 - 200] (#595)
Sonnet, Coll. Mousses Belg. [? 1 - ? 100] (#652)
Spruce, Hepat. Amazon. Andini [578] (#71)
Spruce, Hepat. Pyren. [1 - 77] (#69)
Spruce, Musci Amazon. Andini (#127)
Spruce, Musci Pyren. [1 - 331] (#165)
Stebel, Jędrzejko, Klama & Żarnowiec, Hepat. Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [211 - 225] (#599)
Stebel, Jędrzejko, Żarnowiec & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [651 - 800] (#461)
Steere & Holmen, Bryoph. Arct. Exs. [1 - 50] (#348)
Steere, Holmen & Mogensen, Bryophyta Arct. Exs. [51 - 100] (#349)
Streimann, Musci Australas. Exs. [1 - 699] (#136)
Suanjak, Dupla Graec. Bryoph. [1 - 205] (#710)
Sullivant & Lesquereux, Musci Bor.-Amer. [1 - 355] (#139)
Sullivant & Lesquereux, Musci Bor.-Amer. Ed. 2 [1 - 536] (#141)
Sullivant, Musci Alleghanienses [1 - 292] (#126)
Sullivant, Musci Cub. [1 - 131] (#146)
Suzuki, Sphagnoth. Japon. [1 - 150] (#515)
Szweykowski & Wojterski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [1 - 50] (#646)
Szweykowski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [76 - 100] (#540)
Szweykowski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [126 - 200] (#435)
Szweykowski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [226 - 250] (#691)
Tan, Ablair & Lee, Bryoph. Exs. Brunei [1 - ?] (#782)
Tan, Musci Philipp. Exs. Fasc. 1 [1 - [55]] (#163)
Tan, Musci Philipp. Exs. Fasc. 2 [1 - [55]] (#940)
Tan, Musci Philipp. Exs. Fasc. 3 [1 - [55]] (#941)
Tan, Musci Philipp. Exs. Fasc. 4 [1 - [55]] (#942)
Thaxter, Reliqu. Farlow. [1 - 600] (#208)
Thedenius, Musci Svec. Exs. [101 - 150] (#237)
Thériot, Musci Hepat. Nov.-Caledon Exs. [1 - 209] (#698)
Thiele, Laubmoose Mittelmark [1 - 170] (#663)
Tolf, Sver. Torfbild. Växt. [1 - 104] (#474)
Ţopa & Marin, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [1 - 300] (#503)
Torka, Bryoth. Posnan. [1 - 100] (#21)
Trinius & Liboschitz, Mousses St. Pétersb. [1 - 15] (#573)
Tullgren, Islas Canar. Musci [? - ?] (#562)
Ule, Bryoth. Brasil. [241 - 298] (#13)
Ulyczna, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XII [111 - 120] (#804)
Ulyczna, Hepat. Musci URSS Exs. Decas XIX [181 - 190] (#811)
Underwood & Cook, Hepat. Amer. [1 - 200] (#56)
Verdoorn, Bryoph. Ard. Exs. [1 - 50] (#728)
Verdoorn, Hepat. Sel. Crit. [1 - 550] (#70)
Verdoorn, Musci Sel. Crit. [1 - 350] (#167)
Vězda, Bryophyta Carpat. Exs. [1 - 10] (#630)
Vitt, Orthotrichaceae Bor.-Amer. Exs. [1 - 50] (#350)
Wagner, Alpenstraus [1 - 50] (#617)
Wagner, Crypt.-Herb. [1 - 120] (#467)
Wagner, Crypt.-Herb. Ser. II [1 - 100] (#508)
Wagner, Crypt.-Herb. v. H. Wagner [1 - ?] (#436)
Wälde, Wald-Moose [1 - 33] (#783)
Warnstorf, Märk. Laubmoose [1 - 275] (#653)
Warnstorf, Samml. Eur. Torfmoose [1 - 400] (#690)
Warnstorf, Sphagnoth. Eur. [1 - 200] (#687)
Wartmann & Schenk, Schweiz. Krypt. [1 - 700] (#444)
Wartmann & Winter, Schweiz. Krypt. [701 - 900] (#437)
Wehrhahn, Bryoph. Exs. Hannov. [1 - 150] (#532)
Welwitsch, Bryoth. Austr. [-] (#482)
Welwitsch, Cryptoth. Lusit. [1 - ? 125] (#496)
Welwitsch, Iter Angol. [? - ?] (#433)
Wereitinow & Kashmenskij,Shkolnyj Gerb. [1 - ? 25] (#763)
Westendorp & Wallays, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [351 - 1400] (#440)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [251 - 350] (#556)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [1 - 250] (#612)
Weymouth, Musci Tasman. Exs. [1 - 150] (#491)
Willkomm, Iter Hisp. Secund. [1 - 600] (#696)
Wilson & Hooker, Musci Amer. [1 - 180] (#131)
Wilson, Musci Brit. [1 - 443] (#143)
Winter, Rabenhorstii Bryoth. Eur. [1351 - 1450] (#16)
Wirtz & Borgstette, Dekad. Deutschl. Moosfl. [31 - 120] (#703)
Wirtz, Dekad. Deutschl. Moosfl. [1 - 30] (#666)
Wiśniewski, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. A] [201 - 250] (#677)
Wojterski, Bryoth. Polon. [Series B] [551 - 575] (#542)
Wojterski, Bryoth. Polon. [Series B] [1251 - 1275] (#594)
Wojterski, Bryoth. Polon. [Series B] [1726 - 1750] (#682)
Wojterski, Bryoth. Polon. [Series B] [951 - 1000] (#716)
Wojterski, Bryoth. Polon. [Series B] [676 - 700] (#749)
Wojterski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [101 - 125] (#604)
Wojterski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [51 - 75] (#463)
Wojterski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [201 - 225] (#747)
Wojterski, Hepaticoth. Polon. [251 - 300] (#510)
Wullschlägel, Pl. Ins. Antigua Jamaica [1 ? - 900 ?] (#713)
Wüstnei, Musci Hepat. Exs. Fl. Megapol. [? - ?] (#591)
Wüstnei, Samml. Mecklenb. Leberm. [1 - ?] (#512)
Yamaguchi & Katagiri, Bryoph. Asia [476 - 575] (#812)
Yamaguchi, Bryoph. Asia [576 - 625] (#813)
Yamaguchi, Bryoph. Asia [626 -] (#939)
Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [401 - 2600] (#221)
Żarnowiec, Jędrzejko & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [251 - 325] (#471)
Żarnowiec, Jędrzejko, Stebel & Klama, Musci Macroreg. Merid. Polon. Exs. [326 - 550] (#521)
Zenker & Dietrich, Musci Thur. [1 - 100] (#659)
Zetterstedt, Grimmiae Andreaeae Exs. [1 - 50] (#502)
Žmuda, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. A] [101 - 200] (#669)
Žmuda, Bryoth. Polon. [Ser. A] [1 - 100] (#671)
Zündorf, Bryoph. Sel. Herb. Haussknecht [1 - 100] (#7)
Zwanziger, Moose Österr. Alpenl. [1 - 20] (#744)
Add Exsiccata Number
Exsiccata Number:
#s.n. -
Hylocomium splendens
, Crum, Howard (s.n.) 1959-06-06
#1 -
Tortula ruralis
, Warren E. Carr (30003) 1960-04-23
#2 -
Aloina rigida
, George H. Turner (11292) 1960-10-07
#3 -
Fissidens taxifolius
, Howard Crum (20) 1964-10-04
#4 -
Fissidens adianthoides
, Howard Crum (10902) 1960-07-25
#5 -
Amblyodon dealbatus
, H. A. Crum (9268) 1957-07-27
#6 -
Climacium americanum
, Howard Crum (18) 1964-10-04
#7 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9341) 1957-07-31
#8 -
Tetraplodon mnioides
, Howard Crum (9405) 1959-07-31
#9 -
Hylocomium splendens
, Howard Crum (10264) 1959-07-16
#10 -
Helodium blandowii
, Wilfred B Schofield (9156) 1957-07-19
#11 -
Pohlia cruda
, Harry Williams (10248) 1959-07-16
#12 -
Calliergon trifarium
, Howard Crum (11472) 1961-08-16
#13 -
Hygrohypnum luridum
, Howard Crum (11609) 1961-08-22
#14 -
Grimmia alpicola
, H. Crum (14) 1969-07-00
#15 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-00
#16 -
Bryum pseudotriquetrum
, Howard Crum (10137) 1959-07-14
#17 -
Anomodon attenuatus
, Howard A. Crum (17) 1966-07-20
#18 -
Dicranella varia
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-10-01
#19 -
Eurhynchium pulchellum
, Howard Crum (189) 1964-10-09
#20 -
Dichelyma pallescens
, Stanley J. Smith (43918) 1968-11-05
#21 -
Thuidium recognitum
, William V. Glider (41630) 1967-07-17
#22 -
Aulacomnium acuminatum
, William C. Steere (10009) 1948-07-01
#23 -
Pohlia rothii
, William C. Steere (10500) 1948-07-27
#24 -
Grimmia alpicola
, Howard Crum (11200) 1961-08-08
#25 -
Catoscopium nigritum
, Howard Crum & Wilfred B. Schofield (9276) 1957-07-27
#26 -
Pterygoneurum ovatum
, Howard Crum (9250) 1957-07-25
#27 -
Hygroamblystegium tenax
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9327) 1957-07-30
#28 -
Polytrichum lyallii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (5985) 1955-08-02
#29 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Bartlett, H. H. (1694) 1909-08-05
#30 -
Dicranella cerviculata
, S. J. Smith (38880) 1965-09-12
#31 -
Bryoandersonia illecebra
, P. L. Redfearn, Jr. (16415) 1965-02-06
#32 -
Fissidens subbasilaris
, P. L. Redfearn, Jr. (17524) 1965-07-06
#33 -
Discelium nudum
, Stanley J. Smith (32412) 1962-04-21
#34 -
Dicranum condensatum
, S. J. Smith (34914) 1962-06-26
#34? -
Diphyscium foliosum
, S.J. Smith (37391) 1964-07-26
#35 -
Fissidens grandifrons
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11714) 1960-06-28
#36 -
Drepanocladus aduncus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11867) 1960-07-14
#37 -
Dicranum ontariense
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-08-04
#38 -
Heterocladium dimorphum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-08-04
#39 -
Oncophorus virens
, Howard Crum (8608) 1957-07-01
#40 -
Leptobryum pyriforme
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11602) 1960-07-25
#41 -
Mnium spinulosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11663) 1960-06-26
#42 -
Plagiothecium cavifolium
, Howard Crum (11345) 1961-08-11
#43 -
Anomodon viticulosus
, Howard Crum (11008) 1961-08-03
#44 -
Drepanocladus aduncus
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-01
#45 -
Leucobryum glaucum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-02
#46 -
Amblystegium tenax var. spinifolium
, Howard Crum (8217) 1957-05-26
#47 -
Hypnum revolutum
, William C. Steere (10442) 1948-07-23
#48 -
Pterigynandrum filiforme
, William C. Steere (10441) 1948-07-23
#49 -
Thuidium recognitum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-20
#50 -
Platydictya jungermannioides
, Howard Crum (11127) 1961-08-05
#50. -
Platydictya jungermannioides
, Crum, Howard (11127) 1961-08-05
#51 -
Bryum pseudotriquetrum
, Howard Crum (11460) 1961-08-16
#52 -
Brachythecium populeum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-31
#53 -
Orthotrichum obtusifolium
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-31
#54 -
Orthotrichum sordidum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-31
#55 -
Cratoneuron filicinum
, Howard Crum (3271) 1955-06-14
#56 -
Gymnostomum recurvirostrum
, Howard Crum (3524) 1964-06-23
#57 -
Scorpidium turgescens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9319) 1957-07-30
#58 -
Fissidens grandifrons
, Howard Crum (3277) 1955-06-14
#59 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, Howard Crum (8221) 1957-05-22
#60 -
Campylium chrysophyllum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-04
#61 -
Dicranum viride
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-06-30
#62 -
Mnium stellare
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-12
#63 -
Fontinalis hypnoides var. duriaei
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-01
#64 -
Fontinalis antipyretica
, Howard Crum (8220) 1957-05-22
#65 -
Timmia megapolitana
, Howard Crum (8211) 1957-05-26
#66 -
Plagiothecium cavifolium
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-07
#67 -
Campylium polygamum
, H. Crum & N.G. Miller (67) 1966-07-13
#68 -
Calliergon cordifolium
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-06-30
#69 -
Oncophorus wahlenbergii
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-01
#70 -
Hyophila involuta
, Howard Crum (11607) 1961-08-22
#71 -
Callicladium haldanianum
, Howard Crum (11147) 1961-08-07
#72 -
Sphagnum capillaceum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-07-00
#73 -
Buxbaumia aphylla
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1967-07-00
#74 -
Didymodon rigidulus
, Howard Crum (145) 1964-10-08
#75 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Howard Crum (130) 1964-10-05
#76 -
Aulacomnium heterostichum
, Howard Crum (123) 1964-10-05
#77 -
Drepanocladus uncinatus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10882) 1959-08-21
#78 -
Dicranum undulatum
, Howard Crum (10198) 1959-07-15
#79 -
Fissidens obtusifolius
, Howard Crum (146) 1964-10-08
#80 -
Fissidens pellucidus
, William D. Reese (10244) 1967-11-22
#81 -
Fissidens osmundioides
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10952) 1959-09-01
#82 -
Fontinalis hypnoides var. duriaei
, Howard Crum (9336) 1957-07-31
#83 -
Anisothecium varium
, H. A. Crum (135) 1964-10-08
#84 -
Desmatodon obtusifolius
, Howard Crum (11194) 1961-08-08
#85 -
Fissidens osmundioides
, Howard Crum (11238) 1961-08-08
#86 -
Bryum capillare
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-00
#87 -
Timmia austriaca
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8779) 1957-07-04
#88 -
Racomitrium canescens
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-08-02
#89 -
Sphagnum compactum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-30
#90 -
Sphagnum capillaceum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-03
#91 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Howard Crum (91) 1958-08-11
#92 -
Sphagnum teres
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-03
#93 -
Sphagnum majus
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-13
#94 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Howard Crum (8223) 1957-05-22
#95 -
Tetraphis pellucida
, Howard Crum (8224) 1957-05-22
#96 -
Calliergon richardsonii
, E.F. Williams (2729) 1902-07-16
#97 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-08-07
#98 -
Polytrichum pallidisetum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-08-04
#99 -
Scorpidium scorpioides
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10986) 1959-09-10
#100 -
Polytrichum ohioense
, Howard Crum (8014) 1957-05-12
#101 -
Plagiopus oederiana
, Howard Crum (8015) 1957-05-12
#102 -
Hypnum imponens
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#103 -
Polytrichum ohioense
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#104 -
Hypnum imponens
, Lewis E. Anderson (10059) 1959-06-06
#105 -
Pohlia nutans
, Lewis E. Anderson (10062) 1959-06-06
#106 -
Bartramia ithyphylla
, Howard Crum (5875) 1955-08-01
#107 -
Anisothecium schreberianum
, H. A. Crum (3472) 1955-06-21
#108 -
Bryum muehlenbeckii
, S.J. Smith (36134) 1963-07-23
#109 -
Discelium nudum
, H. M. Mapes (1499) 1960-05-24
#110 -
Meesia uliginosa
, Howard Crum (9507) 1957-08-07
#111 -
Hylocomium umbratum
, Howard Crum & Harry Williams (10424) 1959-07-19
#112 -
Aulacomnium acuminatum
, Howard Crum (9465) 1957-08-03
#113 -
Brachythecium velutinum
, Howard Crum (307) 1964-11-01
#114 -
Fissidens bushii
, Howard Crum (308) 1964-11-01
#115 -
Thuidium abietinum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9329) 1957-07-30
#116 -
Homomallium adnatum
, Howard Crum (287) 1964-10-28
#117 -
Mnium andrewsianum
, William C Steere (10074) 1948-07-02
#118 -
Philonotis fontana
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9509) 1957-08-07
#119 -
Brachythecium turgidum
, Harry Williams (1603) 1960-10-08
#120 -
Scorpidium scorpioides
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10987) 1959-09-10
#121 -
Seligeria campylopoda
, Claire Williams (212) 1960-10-10
#122 -
Fissidens cristatus
, Howard Crum (313) 1964-11-03
#123 -
Paraleucobryum longifolium
, Howard Crum (314) 1964-11-03
#124 -
Pterigynandrum filiforme
, Howard Crum (315) 1964-11-03
#125 -
Hypnum pallescens
, Howard Crum (316) 1964-11-03
#126 -
Splachnum sphaericum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9100) 1957-07-23
#127 -
Pohlia rothii
, S.J. Smith (34569) 1962-09-10
#128 -
Amblystegium varium
, no data (s. n.) 1886-05-16
#129 -
Ditrichum pallidum
, Howard Crum (9880) 1958-08-23
#130 -
Amblystegium serpens
, Howard Crum (8873) 1957-07-07
#131 -
Bartramia pomiformis
, Howard Crum (8013) 1957-05-12
#132 -
Trematodon ambiguus
, Howard Crum (9842) 1958-08-22
#133 -
Aulacomnium androgynum
, Howard Crum (5971) 1955-08-02
#134 -
Timmia megapolitana
, Howard Crum (8024) 1957-05-05
#135 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, Howard Crum (3228) 1955-06-14
#136 -
Tortula muralis
, Wm. Flemming (32430) 1962-04-24
#137 -
Thamnobryum neckeroides
, Wilfred B. Schofield (12123) 1960-07-30
#138 -
Anisothecium schreberianum
, H. A. Crum (9662) 1957-08-19
#139 -
Lindbergia brachyptera
, Howard Crum (11116) 1961-08-04
#140 -
Bartramia pomiformis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11715) 1960-06-28
#141 -
Tortula ruralis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11905) 1960-07-16
#142 -
Rhodobryum roseum
, Howard Crum (11073) 1961-08-04
#143 -
Platygyrium repens
, Howard Crum (11470) 1961-08-16
#144 -
Conardia compacta
, Howard Crum (11165) 1961-08-07
#145 -
Orthothecium chryseum
, Howard Crum (4195) 1955-07-04
#146 -
Racomitrium canescens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (4470) 1955-07-09
#147 -
Tortula norvegica
, W. B. Schofield (4340) 1955-07-07
#148 -
Mnium affine var. rugicum
, Howard Crum (304) 1964-10-28
#149 -
Dicranum flagellare
, W. C. Steere (3093) 1940-08-10
#150 -
Pogonatum dentatum
, Howard Crum (5039) 1955-07-18
#151 -
Ditrichum flexicaule
, Howard Crum (3095) 1955-06-09
#152 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10894) 1959-08-28
#153 -
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
, Wilfred B Schofield (10886) 1959-08-26
#154 -
Neckera complanata
, Wilfred B Schofield (10888) 1959-08-28
#155 -
Myurella julacea
, Howard Crum (11482) 1961-08-16
#156 -
Mnium affine
, Howard Crum (11322) 1961-08-10
#157 -
Blindia acuta
, Howard Crum (10358) 1959-07-00
#158 -
Sphagnum portoricense
, H. M. Mapes (s.n.) 1961-08-15
#159 -
Racomitrium canescens var. ericoides
, F. J. Hermann (15805) 1959-08-20
#160 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, S.J. Smith, T.C. Bain & R. Lane (42953) 1967-04-00
#161 -
Amblystegium riparium
, Howard Crum (11541) 1961-08-19
#162 -
Barbula unguiculata
, Howard Crum (302) 1964-10-28
#163 -
Brachythecium salebrosum
, Howard Crum (306) 1964-10-28
#164 -
Tortella tortuosa
, Howard Crum (11300) 1961-08-10
#165 -
Thamnobryum alleghaniense
, Howard Crum (11017) 1961-08-03
#166 -
Rhytidium rugosum
, Howard Crum (3549) 1955-06-23
#167 -
Pohlia wahlenbergii
, Howard Crum (5721) 1955-07-30
#168 -
Andreaea rupestris
, Howard Crum (3731) 1955-06-28
#169 -
Homalia trichomanoides
, Harvey Williams (10274) 1959-07-16
#170 -
Hypnum cupressiforme
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10861) 1959-08-21
#171 -
Calliergon giganteum
, Howard Crum (10140) 1959-07-14
#172 -
Grimmia olneyi
, S.J. Smith (40132) 1966-05-28
#173 -
Taxiphyllum alternans
, William D. Reese (9442) 1967-03-04
#174 -
Pohlia nutans
, H. Crum (174) 1966-07-28
#175 -
Homalia trichomanoides
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-26
#176 -
Pleurochaete squarrosa
, P.L. Redfearn, Jr. (16950) 1965-04-10
#177 -
Polytrichum ohioense
, T.C. Baim (6028) 1964-05-06
#178 -
Dicranum flagellare
, S. J. Smith (37816) 1964-11-21
#179 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, S.J. Smith (37355) 1964-07-25
#180 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Leo F Koch (2607) 1948-06-28
#181 -
Calliergon giganteum
, Leo F. Koch (2612) 1948-06-29
#182 -
Dicranum condensatum
, L. F. Koch (2587) 1948-06-25
#183 -
Aulacomnium palustre
, Howard Crum (298) 1964-10-28
#184 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, H.H. Bartlett (3706) 1915-05-01
#185 -
Distichium capillaceum
, J. F. Collins (3095) 1903-09-01
#186 -
Grimmia apocarpa
, William C. Steere (10012) 1948-07-01
#187 -
Ditrichum pallidum
, P. L. Redfearn Jr. (17012) 1965-04-24
#188 -
Neckera pennata
, Howard Crum (9929) 1958-08-25
#189 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, Howard Crum (9882) 1958-08-23
#190 -
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus
, Howard Crum (10016) 1958-08-29
#191 -
Mnium venustum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11862) 1960-07-12
#192 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Howard Crum (3338) 1955-06-17
#193 -
Hypnum revolutum
, Howard Crum (3322) 1955-06-17
#194 -
Tayloria serrata
, Wilfred B. Schofield (5716) 1955-07-29
#195 -
Plagiopus oederiana
, Howard Crum (3433) 1955-06-19
#196 -
Tortella tortuosa
, Howard Crum (3205) 1955-06-13
#197 -
Hypnum cupressiforme
, Howard Crum (3320) 1955-06-16
#198 -
Grimmia alpicola
, H. Crum (198) 1966-07-20
#199 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#200 -
Barbula fallax
, Howard Crum (158) 1964-10-08
#201 -
Splachnum sphaericum
, L.B. Smith (5756) 1923-08-02
#202 -
Andreaea rothii
, S. J. Smith (40124) 1966-05-28
#203 -
Drepanocladus aduncus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11730) 1960-06-30
#204 -
Dryptodon patens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11767) 1960-07-03
#205 -
Hypnum subimponens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11627) 1960-06-25
#206 -
Astomum ludovicianum
, William D. Reese (11412) 1972-01-23
#207 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, S. J. Smith (39922) 1966-05-07
#208 -
Mnium thomsonii
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-08-04
#209 -
Myurella sibirica
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-08-04
#210 -
Splachnum ampullaceum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-00
#211 -
Pohlia annotina var. decipiens
, S.J. Smith (40067) 1966-05-21
#212 -
Encalypta procera
, Howard Crum (273) 1964-10-12
#213 -
Aplodon wormskjoldii
, Guy R. Brassard (3190) 1967-08-02
#214 -
Abietinella abietina
, S.J. Smith (214) 1966-05-07
#215 -
Racomitrium heterostichum
, S.J. Smith (40008) 1966-05-21
#216 -
Drepanocladus aduncus
, Howard Crum (8916) 1957-07-11
#217 -
Plagiothecium undulatum
, Myrtle C. Melburn (s.n.) 1957-10-21
#218 -
Plagiothecium undulatum
, Myrtle C. Melburn (s.n.) 1957-10-21
#219 -
Barbula unguiculata
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-05-00
#220 -
Racomitrium aciculare
, Marilyn Ellett (40215) 1966-05-30
#221 -
Polytrichum juniperinum
, Howard Crum (319) 1964-11-03
#222 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, Theodore C. Baim (6253) 1965-07-30
#223 -
Tortula ruralis
, S.J. Smith (40479) 1966-07-28
#224 -
Atrichum undulatum
, Howard A. Crum, Bill F. Isaacs (10058) 1959-06-06
#225 -
Bryum caespiticium
, Howard Crum (10060) 1959-06-06
#226 -
Mnium spinulosum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-20
#227 -
Racomitrium aciculare
, S. J. Smith (40635) 1966-08-19
#228 -
Pireella pohlii
, William D. Reese (7884) 1965-01-08
#229 -
Mnium hymenophyllum
, H. Crum (9565) 1957-08-08
#230 -
Plagiothecium denticulatum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-05-00
#231 -
Dicranum fulvum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-05-00
#232 -
Dicranum spurium
, S. J. Smith (40251) 1966-06-15
#233 -
Drepanocladus uncinatus
, S. J. Smith (40654) 1966-08-19
#234 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Marilyn Ellett (39913) 1966-05-07
#235 -
Bryum capillare
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1967-05-00
#236 -
Grimmia brittoniae
, Wilfred B. Schofield (12025) 1960-06-26
#237 -
Encalypta vulgaris
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11856) 1960-07-09
#238 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, Howard Crum (317) 1964-11-03
#239 -
Polytrichum piliferum
, Howard Crum (320) 1964-11-03
#240 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1965-08-00
#241 -
Pogonatum urnigerum
, S.J. Smith (40948) 1966-11-08
#242 -
Dicranum fulvum
, S. J. Smith (40014) 1966-05-21
#243 -
Distichium inclinatum
, Howard Crum (9281) 1957-07-27
#244 -
Desmatodon cernuus
, Howard Crum (9337) 1957-07-31
#245 -
Dryptodon patens
, Howard Crum (5238) 1954-07-20
#246 -
Dicranum elongatum
, Howard Crum (3940) 1955-06-30
#247 -
Barbula michiganensis
, W.C. Steere (s.n.) 1940-07-27
#248 -
Sphagnum pulchrum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1968-07-25
#249 -
Brachythecium rutabulum
, Howard Crum (249) 1969-07-10
#250 -
Diphyscium foliosum
, Howard Crum (310) 1964-11-01
#251 -
Thuidium scitum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#252 -
Drepanocladus uncinatus
, Stanley J. Smith (41482) 1967-07-11
#253 -
Haplohymenium triste
, Howard Crum (215) 1964-10-11
#254 -
Dicranella heteromalla
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-07
#255 -
Sphagnum pulchrum
, W.S.G. Maass (s.n.) 1967-08-20
#256 -
Cratoneuron commutatum
, Howard Crum (9253) 1957-07-25
#257 -
Distichium capillaceum
, Howard Crum (9301) 1957-07-29
#258 -
Dicranum elongatum
, Howard Crum (9302) 1957-07-29
#259 -
Leucobryum glaucum
, Lewis E. Anderson (10061) 1959-06-06
#260 -
Homomallium adnatum
, Howard Crum (90) 1964-10-05
#261 -
Sphagnum riparium
, W.S. G. Maass (s.n.) 1967-08-21
#262 -
Sphagnum papillosum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-08
#263 -
Rhabdoweisia crispata
, Howard Crum (9938) 1958-08-26
#264 -
Ulota coarctata
, Howard Crum (9873) 1958-08-23
#265 -
Dicranum muehlenbeckii
, S. J. Smith (39854) 1966-05-07
#266 -
Platydictya subtile
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#267 -
Fissidens kochii
, William D Reese (10245) 1967-11-22
#268 -
Bryum algovicum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-19
#269 -
Andreaea rupestris
, Stanley J. Smith (43307) 1968-08-28
#270 -
Drepanocladus fluitans
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-26
#271 -
Thuidium delicatulum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#272 -
Sphagnum palustre
, H. H. Bartlett (2463) 1910-10-15
#273 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, H. H. Bartlett (1974) 1910-05-17
#274 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, H.H. Bartlett (2443) 1910-10-13
#275 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, Howard Crum & Wilfred B. Schofield (4035) 1955-07-02
#276 -
Dicranoweisia crispula
, Howard Crum (3297) 1955-06-16
#277 -
Atrichum selwynii
, Howard Crum (5864) 1955-08-01
#278 -
Taxiphyllum deplanatum
, Howard Crum (11167) 1961-08-07
#279 -
Myurella sibirica
, Howard Crum (8002) 1957-05-12
#280 -
Tortella tortuosa
, Howard Crum (8009) 1957-05-12
#281 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Howard Crum (8008) 1957-05-12
#282 -
Drepanocladus aduncus var. polycarpus
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#283 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Howard A. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#284 -
Polytrichum commune
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#285 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, S.J. Smith (37387) 1964-07-26
#286 -
Orthothecium chryseum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (12264) 1960-08-03
#287 -
Tortella inclinatula
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-10
#288 -
Drepanocladus fluitans
, S. J. Smith (40400) 1966-07-14
#289 -
Drepanocladus aduncus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11733) 1960-06-30
#290 -
Oncophorus wahlenbergii
, Howard Crum (10223) 1959-07-15
#291 -
Homalothecium megaptilum
, Wilfred B Schofield (11804) 1960-07-04
#292 -
Hedwigia ciliata
, William C Steere (10463) 1948-07-24
#293 -
Aulacomnium turgidum
, William C. Steere (10010) 1948-07-01
#294 -
Climacium americanum
, S. J. Smith (39911) 1966-05-07
#295 -
Pogonatum alpinum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10965) 1959-09-01
#296 -
Dicranum fuscescens
, Howard Crum (10196) 1959-07-15
#297 -
Hygrohypnum eugyrium
, Howard Crum (10333) 1959-07-17
#298 -
Mnium punctatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#299 -
Calliergon trifarium
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-11
#300 -
Sphagnum capillaceum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-11
#301 -
Calliergonella cuspidata
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-03
#302 -
Fissidens grandifrons
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-08-11
#303 -
Sphagnum fuscum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-10
#304 -
Sphagnum teres
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10978) 1959-09-10
#305 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-27
#306 -
Brachythecium velutinum
, Howard Crum (306) 1964-10-28
#307 -
Sphagnum wulfianum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-26
#308 -
Sphagnum russowii
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-28
#309 -
Sphagnum girgensohnii
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1958-07-26
#310 -
Anomodon rugelii
, Howard Crum (9886) 1958-08-23
#311 -
Bryhnia graminicolor
, Howard Crum (11573) 1961-08-19
#312 -
Amblystegium noterophilum
, Howard Crum (11631) 1961-08-22
#313 -
Amblystegium tenax
, Howard Crum (11528) 1961-08-19
#314 -
Tomenthypnum nitens
, Howard Crum (11390) 1961-08-14
#315 -
Dicranum scoparium
, S. J. Smith (40222) 1966-05-30
#316 -
Dicranum polysetum
, S. J. Smith (37479) 1964-08-05
#317 -
Drepanocladus aduncus var. polycarpus
, Howard Crum (8939) 1957-07-12
#318 -
Blindia acuta
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10947) 1959-09-01
#319 -
Fontinalis hypnoides var. duriaei
, S.J. Smith & Marilyn Ellett (40146) 1966-05-30
#320 -
Ptychomitrium drummondii
, W. D. Reese (8122) 1965-07-01
#321 -
Sphagnum subsecundum var. subsecundum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-08-06
#322 -
Plagiothecium laetum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-00
#323 -
Sphagnum majus
, W.S.G. Maass (s.n.) 1967-08-09
#324 -
Fissidens fontanus
, W.D. Reese (8125) 1965-07-01
#325 -
Mnium cuspidatum
, Howard Crum (8212) 1957-05-26
#326 -
Anacolia menziesii var. menziesii
, I. M. Haring (s.n.) 1941-01-00
#327 -
Pohlia cruda
, L.M. Lowinger (37947) 1965-06-07
#328 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, R.E. Sleurs (37374) 1964-07-25
#329 -
Orthotrichum sordidum
, Harry Williams (10934) 1960-07-26
#330 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, H.H. Bartlett (2444) 1910-10-13
#331 -
Seligeria tristichoides
, Harry Williams (10864) 1960-07-23
#332 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, H.H. Bartlett (2464) 1910-10-05
#333 -
Tortula rhizophylla
, Tim Morton (s.n.) 1967-07-15
#334 -
Brachythecium oxycladon
, S. J. Smith (39843) 1966-04-23
#335 -
Barbula fallax
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11807) 1960-07-06
#336 -
Calliergon stramineum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-16
#337 -
Gymnostomum recurvirostrum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9247) 1957-07-25
#338 -
Rhytidiopsis robusta
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11805) 1960-07-04
#339 -
Thelia asprella
, Marilyn Ellett (39870) 1966-05-07
#340 -
Andreaea rupestris
, Howard Crum (10054) 1959-06-06
#341 -
Hylocomium splendens
, Lewis E. Anderson (10055) 1959-06-06
#342 -
Anacolia menziesii var. menziesii
, I. M. Haring (s.n.) 1941-01-17
#343 -
Polytrichum strictum
, H. Crum (343) 1966-06-29
#344 -
Anisothecium varium
, H. A. Crum (301) 1964-10-28
#345 -
Racomitrium heterostichum var. microcarpon
, Lewis E. Anderson (10057) 1959-06-06
#346 -
Scouleria aquatica
, Wilfred B. Schofield (5650) 1955-07-29
#347 -
Cinclidium stygium
, Howard Crum (9653) 1957-08-18
#348 -
Bryum miniatum
, Myrtle C. Melburn (s.n.) 1957-06-15
#349 -
Diphyscium foliosum
, S. J. Smith (37391) 1964-07-26
#350 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1967-08-00
#351 -
Paludella squarrosa
, J.F. Collins (3660) 1904-08-13
#352 -
Syrrhopodon parasiticus
, W. D. Reese (8825) 1966-03-25
#353 -
Cratoneuron filicinum
, J. F. Collins (3941) 1905-08-05
#354 -
Helodium blandowii
, Howard Crum (303) 1964-10-28
#355 -
Cratoneuron commutatum
, J. F. Collins (3931A) 1905-08-03
#356 -
Aongstroemia longipes
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9279) 1957-07-27
#357 -
Gymnostomum aeruginosum
, Howard Crum (8012) 1957-05-12
#358 -
Mnium cinclidioides
, William C Steere (10502) 1948-07-27
#359 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, Leo F. Koch (3091) 1948-08-09
#360 -
Mnium hymenophylloides
, William C Steere (10076) 1948-07-02
#361 -
Helodium blandowii
, Leo F. Koch (2613) 1948-06-28
#362 -
Scorpidium turgescens
, L.F. Koch (2616) 1948-06-28
#363 -
Aulacomnium heterostichum
, W.F. Jewell (s.n.) 1933-05-22
#364 -
Tortula mucronifolia
, Howard Crum (8005) 1957-05-12
#365 -
Drepanocladus vernicosus
, A. Ellis (s.n.) 1969-08-05
#366 -
Pylaisiella selwynii
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-31
#367 -
Dicranum viride
, Howard Crum (10810) 1960-07-21
#368 -
Racomitrium heterostichum var. microcarpon
, Howard Crum (10642) 1960-07-16
#369 -
Encalypta rhaptocarpa
, Howard Crum (10930) 1960-07-25
#370 -
Amblystegium fluviatile
, S.J. Smith (40147) 1966-05-30
#371 -
Grimmia alpicola var. rivularis
, S.J. Smith (39888) 1966-05-07
#372 -
Polytrichum piliferum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (3899) 1955-06-29
#373 -
Catoscopium nigritum
, Howard Crum & Wilfred B. Schofield (3988) 1955-07-01
#374 -
Taxiphyllum deplanatum
, Howard Crum (175) 1964-10-09
#375 -
Hyophila involuta
, Howard Crum (150) 1964-10-08
#376 -
Weissia controversa
, Howard Crum (181) 1964-10-09
#377 -
Desmatodon latifolius
, Howard Crum (5714) 1955-07-29
#378 -
Ulota crispa
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#379 -
Hypnum cupressiforme
, J.F. Collins (2570) 1902-07-01
#380 -
Drepanocladus vernicosus
, Leo F. Koch (2641) 1948-06-28
#381 -
Tomenthypnum nitens
, Leo F. Koch (2779) 1948-07-11
#382 -
Mnium punctatum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-24
#383 -
Polytrichum longisetum
, J.F. Collins (5520a) 1907-08-03
#384 -
Scorpidium scorpioides
, J.F. Collins, M.L. Fernald & A.S. Pease (3651) 1904-08-13
#385 -
Amphidium lapponicum
, J. F. Collins (3337) 1904-07-24
#386 -
Meesia uliginosa
, J. F. Collins (3597A) 1904-08-08
#387 -
Fissidens adianthoides
, J. F. Collins (3909) 1905-07-20
#388 -
Andreaea rupestris
, J. F. Collins (4343) 1906-08-05
#389 -
Isothecium stoloniferum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8327) 1957-08-29
#390 -
Entodon concinnus
, George W. Parmelee (s.n.) 1958-04-23
#391 -
Racomitrium canescens var. ericoides
, S. J. Smith (31520) 1961-08-18
#392 -
Cynodontium strumiferum
, Howard Crum (5080) 1955-07-18
#393 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Howard A. Crum (299) 1964-10-28
#394 -
Thuidium delicatulum
, Howard Crum (225) 1964-10-28
#395 -
Amphidium lapponicum
, W. B. Schofield (10951) 1959-09-01
#396 -
Hypnum curvifolium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10889) 1959-08-28
#397 -
Campylium stellatum
, Howard Crum (3036) 1955-06-09
#398 -
Fissidens grandifrons
, Wilfred B. Schofield (5560) 1955-07-27
#399 -
Atrichum angustatum
, Howard Crum (289) 1964-10-28
#400 -
Brachythecium salebrosum
, Howard Crum (11148) 1961-08-07
#401 -
Mnium thomsonii
, Howard Crum (11149) 1961-08-07
#402 -
Polytrichum commune
, Howard Crum (9884) 1958-08-23
#403 -
Brachythecium rutabulum
, Howard A. Crum (11321) 1961-08-10
#404 -
Isothecium stoloniferum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8382) 1957-08-29
#405 -
Stokesiella oregana
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8324) 1957-08-29
#406 -
Cynodontium strumiferum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11706) 1960-06-28
#407 -
Tetraphis pellucida
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11751) 1960-07-02
#408 -
Oncophorus virens
, Wilfred B Schofield (11764) 1965-07-03
#409 -
Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea
, Howard Crum (8025) 1957-05-05
#410 -
Tortula ruralis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11806) 1960-07-04
#411 -
Scouleria aquatica
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11684) 1960-06-27
#412 -
Antitrichia californica
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11863) 1960-07-12
#413 -
Orthotrichum sordidum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-28
#414 -
Tayloria froelichiana
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9567) 1957-08-08
#415 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, H. H. Bartlett (s.n.) 1956-09-26
#416 -
Sphagnum subsecundum var. rufescens
, H. H. Bartlett (2439) 1910-10-12
#417 -
Thelia hirtella
, G.D. Darker (6310) 1937-06-06
#418 -
Grimmia cribrosa
, Stanley J. Smith (41099) 1967-05-20
#419 -
Sphagnum torreyanum
, R.A. Pursell (1010) 1979-05-03
#420 -
Meesia triquetra
, William C. Steere (10228) 1948-07-07
#421 -
Platydictya subtile
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-14
#422 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, H.H. Bartlett (2441) 1910-10-12
#423 -
Sphagnum riparium
, Jerry A. Snider (423) 1976-08-08
#424 -
Thuidium pygmaeum
, Howard Crum (11495a) 1961-08-17
#425 -
Platygyrium repens
, S.J. Smith (42531) 1968-05-17
#426 -
Dicranum polysetum
, Leo F. Koch (2984) 1948-08-03
#427 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, Leo F. Koch (3078) 1948-08-09
#428 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Leo F. Koch (2995A) 1948-08-03
#429 -
Amphidium mougeotii
, S. J. Smith (43962) 1968-10-12
#430 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, Leo F. Koch (2950B) 1948-07-26
#431 -
Pohlia sphagnicola
, S.J. Smith (43837) 1968-08-30
#432 -
Ctenidium molluscum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1971-06-30
#433 -
Philonotis fontana
, S.J. Smith (41471) 1967-07-11
#434 -
Philonotis fontana
, Leo F. Koch (2669) 1948-06-29
#435 -
Mnium affine var. rugicum
, Leo F. Koch (3003) 1948-08-03
#436 -
Pottia davalliana
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1968-10-25
#437 -
Fissidens exilis
, S.J. Smith (30896) 1961-04-08
#438 -
Taxiphyllum taxirameum
, Howard Crum (11651) 1961-08-27
#439 -
Fissidens bryoides
, William D. Reese (10267) 1968-06-05
#440 -
Polytrichum commune
, Leo F. Koch (3085) 1948-08-09
#441 -
Ephemerum cohaerens
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1968-10-26
#442 -
Desmatodon heimii
, Howard Crum (8917) 1957-07-11
#443 -
Grimmia pilifera
, S.J. Smith (41227) 1967-06-08
#444 -
Bryum pseudotriquetrum
, S.J. Smith (41059) 1967-06-12
#445 -
Mnium punctatum var. elatum
, Leo F. Koch (2768) 1948-07-11
#446 -
Cinclidium stygium
, Leo F. Koch (2766A) 1948-07-11
#447 -
Cirriphyllum piliferum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1971-07-07
#448 -
Encalypta procera
, Howard Crum (8000) 1957-05-12
#449 -
Orthotrichum anomalum
, Howard Crum (11193) 1961-08-08
#450 -
Dichodontium pellucidum
, Howard Crum (10789) 1950-07-21
#451 -
Racomitrium fasciculare
, Stanley J. Smith (40454) 1966-07-15
#452 -
Brotherella recurvans
, Howard Crum & N.G. Miller (452) 1966-07-20
#453 -
Plagiobryum zierii
, Howard Crum (10566) 1950-07-00
#454 -
Bryhnia novae-angliae
, Howard Crum & Harry Williams (10827) 1960-07-21
#455 -
Hylocomium umbratum
, Howard Crum (10682) 1960-07-17
#456 -
Physcomitrium pyriforme
, Aaron J. Sharp (6121) 1961-05-07
#457 -
Fontinalis dalecarlica
, Howard Crum (9883) 1958-08-23
#458 -
Anomodon rugelii
, Howard Crum (9885) 1958-08-23
#459 -
Mnium pseudopunctatum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-15
#460 -
Tortella fragilis
, H. Crum (460) 1966-07-20
#461 -
Sphagnum fuscum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10983) 1959-09-10
#462 -
Sphagnum pylaesii
, Wilfred B Schofield (11024) 1959-09-10
#463 -
Calliergonella cuspidata
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10991) 1959-09-10
#464 -
Barbula convoluta
, Howard Crum (277) 1964-10-28
#465 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, Howard Crum (3405) 1955-06-19
#466 -
Racomitrium lanuginosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (3939) 1955-06-30
#467 -
Saelania glaucescens
, Wildfred B. Schofield (4018) 1955-07-02
#468 -
Dicranum condensatum
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1966-07-13
#469 -
Herzogiella striatella
, Howard Crum (9935) 1958-08-26
#470 -
Heterocladium dimorphum
, Howard Crum (10826) 1960-07-21
#471 -
Racomitrium lanuginosum
, Harry Williams (10689) 1960-07-17
#472 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Howard Crum (296) 1964-10-28
#473 -
Anomodon attenuatus
, H. A. Crum (276) 1964-10-28
#474 -
Brachythecium populeum
, Howard Crum (10872) 1960-07-25
#475 -
Campylium chrysophyllum
, Howard Crum (10907) 1960-07-25
#476 -
Leskeella nervosa
, Harry Williams (10876) 1960-07-25
#477 -
Dicranum majus
, Howard Crum (10649) 1960-07-17
#478 -
Timmia megapolitana
, Howard Crum (10567) 1960-07-15
#479 -
Hygrohypnum molle
, Howard Crum (10824) 1960-07-21
#480 -
Ulota crispa
, Harry Williams (10884) 1960-07-25
#481 -
Herzogiella turfacea
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-10
#482 -
Mnium cinclidioides
, H. Crum (s.n.) 1969-07-26
#483 -
Hylocomium brevirostre
, Allan J. Fife (3058) 1978-06-24
#484 -
Pottia latifolia var. pilifera
, Howard Crum (8871) 1957-07-15
#485 -
Bryum algovicum
, Howard Crum (8622) 1957-07-01
#486 -
Sphagnum capillaceum
, David M. Lane (s.n.) 1980-05-23
#487 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, David M. Lane (s.n.) 1980-05-23
#488 -
Sphagnum fuscum
, David M. Lane (s.n.) 1980-05-23
#489 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, David M. Lane (489) 1980-05-23
#490 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, David M. Lane (490) 1980-05-23
#491 -
Sphagnum centrale
, David M. Lane (s.n.) 1980-05-23
#492 -
Sphagnum flavicomans
, Howard Crum (492) 1972-05-27
#493 -
Sphagnum flavicomans
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1972-05-24
#494 -
Tortula ruralis
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#495 -
Anomodon viticulosus
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#496 -
Mnium stellare
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#497 -
Anomodon attenuatus
, Howard A. Crum (497) 1963-07-00
#498 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, Alan J. Fife (2897) 1977-08-17
#499 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#500 -
Bryum caespiticium
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#501 -
Plagiothecium cavifolium
, Wilfred B Schofield (10698) 1959-07-28
#502 -
Pohlia annotina
, J. Shaw (s.n.) 1982-01-04
#503 -
Heterophyllium affine
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10115) 1959-06-19
#504 -
Schwetschkeopsis fabronia
, Lewis E Anderson (23060) 1979-08-08
#505 -
Hygrohypnum eugyrium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10075) 1959-06-13
#506 -
Hookeria acutifolia
, Lewis E. Anderson (22091) 1975-07-29
#507 -
Mnium carolinianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22120) 1975-07-30
#508 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serrulatum
, Lewis E Anderson (23524) 1979-12-31
#509 -
Sphagnum strictum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23506) 1979-12-31
#510 -
Metaneckera menziesii
, Marion P. Harthill (23a) 1959-06-06
#511 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Lewis E. Anderson (23763) 1980-10-04
#512 -
Forsstroemia trichomitria
, Lewis E. Anderson (23451) 1979-12-27
#513 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23604) 1980-05-02
#514 -
Eurhynchium riparioides
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10217) 1959-06-29
#515 -
Archidium alternifolium
, Lewis E. Anderson (13504) 1959-01-30
#516 -
Sphagnum cyclophyllum
, Levis E. Anderson (21470) 1973-05-23
#517 -
Entodon seductrix
, Lewis E. Anderson (23935) 1975-02-06
#518 -
Bruchia flexuosa
, Lewis E. Anderson & Howard Crum (13624) 1960-03-25
#519 -
Bryoandersonia illecebra
, Wilfred B Schofield (10289) 1959-07-02
#520 -
Brachelyma subulatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13213) 1959-01-21
#521 -
Syrrhopodon incompletus
, Lewis E. Anderson (13436) 1959-01-29
#522 -
Timmia austriaca
, Lewis E. Anderson (22845) 1978-06-22
#523 -
Sphagnum tenerum
, David M. Lane (23182) 1979-08-21
#524 -
Tortula propagulosa
, Lewis E. Anderson (15018) 1964-05-01
#525 -
Hypnum pallescens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10407) 1959-07-15
#526 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10236) 1959-06-30
#527 -
Dicranum polysetum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23852) 1979-05-24
#528 -
Fissidens ravenelii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23727) 1980-10-02
#529 -
Mnium ciliare
, Lewis E. Anderson (23868) 1981-07-21
#530 -
Anomodon rostratus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23338) 1979-12-19
#531 -
Aloinella hamulus
, W. D. Reese (11607) 1973-03-28
#532 -
Polytrichum pallidisetum
, Wilfred B Schofield (10102) 1959-06-17
#533 -
Rhytidium rugosum
, Lewis E. Anderson (15026) 1964-05-02
#534 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E Anderson (23167) 1979-08-10
#535 -
Schlotheimia rugifolia
, Lewis E. Anderson (23491) 1979-12-30
#536 -
Sciaromium lescurii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23785) 1980-10-04
#537 -
Scopelophila cataractae
, Lewis E. Anderson (20581) 1966-06-13
#538 -
Thelia asprella
, Lewis E. Anderson (15046) 1964-05-27
#539 -
Entodon macropodus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23732) 1980-10-04
#540 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23479) 1979-12-30
#541 -
Oncophorus raui
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10611) 1959-07-26
#542 -
Homalia trichomanoides
, James Merry (s.n.) 1962-07-08
#543 -
Polytrichum piliferum
, Marion P. Harthill (25a) 1959-06-29
#544 -
Leucodon brachypus var. andrewsianus
, Lewis E. Anderson (21743) 1974-09-10
#545 -
Dicranum fulvum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10347) 1959-07-11
#546 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (21854) 1974-06-12
#547 -
Ptychomitrium drummondii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23716) 1980-10-02
#548 -
Fissidens fontanus
, Lewis E. Anderson (22041) 1975-05-07
#549 -
Barbula convoluta
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9925) 1959-03-30
#550 -
Callicladium haldanianum
, A.J. Sharp (NP-791) 1979-11-18
#551 -
Anisothecium varium
, H. A. Crum (13709) 1960-03-28
#552 -
Hypnum curvifolium
, Lewis E. Anderson (23746) 1980-10-04
#553 -
Ulota hutchinsiae var. rufescens
, Lewis E. Anderson (15239) 1964-06-08
#554 -
Racomitrium canescens
, Lewis E. Anderson (22627) 1978-06-19
#555 -
Sphagnum torreyanum
, Howard Crum (22192) 1976-06-01
#556 -
Hedwigia ciliata
, Lewis E. Anderson (23766) 1980-10-04
#557 -
Drepanocladus revolvens
, Lewis E. Anderson (22867) 1978-06-22
#558 -
Tortella flavovirens
, Lewis E. Anderson (23027) 1979-03-15
#559 -
Thuidium delicatulum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23434) 1979-12-27
#560 -
Racomitrium heterostichum
, Marion P. Harthill (3a) 1959-06-24
#561 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Lewis E. Anderson (22994) 1978-07-27
#562 -
Campylopus tallulensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23777) 1980-10-04
#563 -
Tomenthypnum nitens var. falcifolium
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1981-08-20
#564 -
Tortella humilis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23323) 1979-12-19
#565 -
Ceratodon heterophyllus
, A.J. Sharp (A-301) 1958-08-14
#566 -
Distichium capillaceum
, Marion P. Harthill (42) 1959-07-13
#567 -
Atrichum undulatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23359) 1979-12-20
#568 -
Sphagnum cyclophyllum
, Lewis E Anderson (23162) 1979-08-10
#569 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Lewis E Anderson (22353) 1977-05-12
#570 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, Lewis E. Anderson (11147) 1952-08-01
#571 -
Rhynchostegium serrulatum
, Lewis E Anderson (13258) 1959-01-23
#572 -
Leucolepis menziesii
, Lewis E. Anderson (22929) 1978-06-24
#573 -
Hygrohypnum eugyrium
, A.J. Sharp (s.n.) 1962-08-06
#574 -
Aulacomnium androgynum
, Marion P. Harthill (30) 1959-07-04
#575 -
Atrichum crispum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22384) 1977-07-25
#576 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Lewis E. Anderson (22043) 1975-06-02
#577 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23171) 1979-08-10
#578 -
Fissidens cristatus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23371) 1979-12-21
#579 -
Andreaea rothii
, A. J. Sharp (8734) 1969-07-00
#580 -
Papillaria nigrescens var. donnellii
, Lewis E. Anderson (13438) 1959-01-29
#581 -
Clasmatodon parvulus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23100) 1979-08-09
#582 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, Marion P. Harthill (26) 1959-06-29
#583 -
Fissidens garberi
, Howard Crum (13256) 1959-01-23
#584 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22431) 1977-10-30
#585 -
Pogonatum brachyphyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13601) 1960-03-22
#586 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10079) 1959-06-14
#587 -
Sematophyllum marylandicum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23939) 1981-04-04
#588 -
Scorpidium turgescens
, A. J. Sharp (s.n.) 1962-07-00
#589 -
Cratoneuron commutatum
, Aaron J Sharp (s.n.) 1960-07-27
#590 -
Paludella squarrosa
, A.J. Sharp (s.n.) 1962-08-02
#591 -
Stokesiella oregana
, Marion P. Harthill (29) 1959-07-04
#592 -
Thelia hirtella
, Lewis E. Anderson (23607) 1980-05-02
#593 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Gordon C. Tucker (1139) 1980-06-05
#594 -
Thamnobryum alleghaniense
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10210) 1959-06-29
#595 -
Racopilum tomentosum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13440) 1959-01-29
#596 -
Weissia sharpii
, Lewis E. Anderson (21599) 1973-05-15
#597 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. floridanum
, Lewis E Anderson (23529) 1979-12-31
#598 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, David M. Lane (23181) 1979-08-21
#599 -
Homalothecium pinnatifidum
, Lewis E Anderson (22603) 1978-06-19
#600 -
Aulacomnium palustre
, Lewis E. Anderson (23679) 1980-06-06
#601 -
Thuidium allenii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23951) 1981-10-20
#602 -
Fontinalis flaccida
, Lewis E. Anderson (23332) 1979-12-19
#603 -
Dicranum flagellare var. minutissimum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23605) 1980-05-02
#604 -
Neckeropsis disticha
, Howard Crum (13439) 1959-01-26
#605 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23282) 1979-09-30
#606 -
Timmia megapolitana var. megapolitana
, A.J. Sharp (s.n.) 1960-06-16
#607 -
Tortella inclinatula
, A.J. Sharp (s.n.) 1962-08-09
#608 -
Tortula norvegica
, Lewis E. Anderson (22777) 1978-06-21
#609 -
Aulacomnium palustre
, Lewis E. Anderson (24019) 1981-11-02
#610 -
Brachelyma subulatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23005) 1978-10-17
#611 -
Sphagnum cyclophyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (21803) 1974-10-10
#612 -
Leptodictyum riparium
, Lewis E. Anderson (13564) 1959-01-31
#613 -
Mnium punctatum var. elatum
, A.J. Sharp (s.n.) 1960-07-22
#614 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, Lewis E. Anderson (23842) 1981-05-07
#615 -
Campylopus surinamensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23911) 1975-02-02
#616 -
Dicranum flagellare
, Lewis E. Anderson (23982) 1981-10-14
#617 -
Drepanocladus uncinatus
, Marion P. Harthill (39) 1959-07-13
#618 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E Anderson (23139) 1979-08-10
#619 -
Philonotis longiseta
, Lewis E. Anderson (23461) 1979-12-29
#620 -
Pohlia annotina
, A. J. Sharp (CM601) 1960-07-14
#621 -
Thelia lescurii
, Ann Stoneburner (1124) 1977-10-01
#622 -
Neckera douglasii
, Marion P. Harthill (21a) 1959-06-07
#623 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Lewis E Anderson (23002) 1978-10-17
#624 -
Polytrichum ohioense
, Lewis E. Anderson (23753) 1980-10-04
#625 -
Funaria flavicans
, Lewis E. Anderson (23800) 1981-03-28
#625. -
Funaria flavicans
, L. E. Anderson (23800) 1981-03-28
#626 -
Entodon brevisetus
, Lewis E. Anderson (22232) 1976-06-28
#627 -
Oncophorus raui
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10108) 1959-06-17
#628 -
Donrichardsia macroneuron
, Robert Wyatt (1485) 1978-03-04
#629 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Lewis E. Anderson (23630) 1980-05-04
#630 -
Atrichum crispum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23992) 1981-11-01
#631 -
Bryum pseudotriquetrum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23023) 1979-06-22
#632 -
Polytrichum pallidisetum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22400) 1977-08-04
#633 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (10483) 1951-08-19
#634 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23903) 1975-02-04
#635 -
Campylopus tallulensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23857) 1979-05-24
#636 -
Campylopus pilifer
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10457) 1959-07-18
#637 -
Brotherella tenuirostris
, Lewis E. Anderson (24026) 1981-11-02
#638 -
Brachythecium acuminatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13257) 1959-01-23
#639 -
Herpetineuron toccoae
, Lewis E. Anderson (22078) 1975-07-28
#640 -
Hypnum circinale
, Marion P. Harthill (24a) 1959-06-14
#641 -
Dicranum tauricum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22894) 1978-06-24
#642 -
Sphagnum tenerum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23535) 1979-12-31
#643 -
Sphagnum strictum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23498) 1979-12-30
#644 -
Sphagnum papillosum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22422) 1977-10-22
#645 -
Isothecium stoloniferum
, D.K. Smith (4215) 1977-06-16
#646 -
Hypnum subimponens
, Marion P. Harthill (38) 1959-07-13
#647 -
Campylopus arctocarpus
, Lewis E. Anderson (22240) 1975-02-04
#648 -
Stereophyllum radiculosum
, William D. Reese (14104) 1980-08-06
#649 -
Fissidens polypodioides
, Lewis E. Anderson (20923) 1969-10-15
#649. -
Fissidens polypodioides
, L. E. Anderson (20923) 1969-10-15
#650 -
Plagiothecium piliferum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22753) 1978-06-21
#651 -
Philonotis sphaerocarpa
, Lewis E. Anderson (13654) 1960-03-26
#652 -
Brachythecium frigidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22722) 1978-06-20
#653 -
Callicladium haldanianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (20640) 1968-08-24
#654 -
Homalothecium megaptilum
, Lewis E Anderson (22968) 1979-06-24
#655 -
Hypnum lindbergii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23435) 1979-12-27
#656 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23482) 1979-12-30
#657 -
Dicranum flagellare
, Lewis E. Anderson (23676) 1980-06-06
#658 -
Dicranum fuscescens
, Marion P. Harthill (37) 1959-07-13
#659 -
Sphagnum teres
, Lewis E. Anderson (22874) 1978-06-22
#660 -
Campylium chrysophyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23611) 1980-05-02
#661 -
Bryum sandbergii
, Marion P. Harthill (36) 1959-07-13
#662 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Lewis E. Anderson (22237) 1976-06-28
#663 -
Heterocladium procurrens
, Lewis E Anderson (22902) 1978-06-24
#664 -
Dicranodontium asperulum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22221) 1976-06-29
#665 -
Clasmatodon parvulus
, Lewis E. Anderson (13260) 1959-01-23
#666 -
Campylopus carolinae
, Lewis E. Anderson (23705) 1980-09-09
#667 -
Stereophyllum leucostegum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13435) 1959-01-29
#668 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Marion P. Harthill (34) 1959-07-04
#669 -
Entodon macropodus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10207) 1959-06-29
#670 -
Fissidens bryoides
, Lewis E. Anderson (13255) 1959-01-23
#671 -
Hypnum fertile
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10107) 1959-06-17
#672 -
Grimmia pilifera
, Lewis E. Anderson (23846) 1981-05-07
#673 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, Lewis E. Anderson (22618) 1978-06-19
#674 -
Fontinalis novae-angliae
, Lewis E. Anderson (23543) 1980-01-01
#674. -
Fontinalis novae-angliae
, L. E. Anderson (23543) 1980-01-01
#675 -
Cryphaea glomerata
, Lewis E. Anderson (12650) 1958-04-26
#676 -
Dicranum angustum
, A. J. Sharp (A-584) 1958-07-15
#677 -
Mnium stellare
, Nels Lersten (s.n.) 1956-08-12
#678 -
Neohyophila sprengelii
, Howard Crum (13264) 1959-01-23
#679 -
Bartramia pomiformis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23739) 1980-10-04
#680 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, Howard Crum (13581) 1960-03-22
#681 -
Sphagnum portoricense
, H. Crum (22193) 1976-06-01
#682 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22875) 1978-06-22
#683 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10431) 1959-07-06
#684 -
Atrichum undulatum var. attenuatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23450) 1979-12-27
#685 -
Grimmia torquata
, A. J. Sharp (s. n.) 1962-08-25
#686 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23853) 1979-05-24
#687 -
Sphagnum flavicomans
, David M. Lane (1054) 1979-05-04
#688 -
Fontinalis dalecarlica
, Lewis E Anderson (23775) 1980-10-04
#688. -
Fontinalis dalecarlica
, L. E. Anderson (23775) 1980-10-04
#689 -
Neckera menziesii
, Lewis E. Anderson (22812) 1978-06-21
#690 -
Octoblepharum albidum
, Howard Crum (13408) 1959-01-28
#691 -
Eurhynchium hians
, Lewis E. Anderson (13663) 1960-03-27
#692 -
Isopterygium elegans
, Howard Crum (13265) 1959-01-23
#693 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22131) 1975-07-30
#694 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23616) 1980-05-03
#695 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Howard Crum (22198) 1976-06-01
#696 -
Scopelophila cataractae
, A.J. Sharp (4048) 1973-09-06
#697 -
Physcomitrium pyriforme
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11264) 1960-05-03
#698 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Lewis E Anderson (23598) 1980-05-02
#699 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E Anderson (23172) 1979-08-10
#700 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Howard Crum (22310) 1977-04-30
#701 -
Thuidium allenii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23007) 1978-10-17
#702 -
Dicranum flagellare
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10600) 1959-07-26
#703 -
Haplocladium virginianum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10745) 1959-08-01
#704 -
Brotherella recurvans
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10116) 1959-06-19
#705 -
Syrrhopodon incompletus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23925) 1975-02-06
#706 -
Trichostomum tenuirostre
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10691) 1959-07-28
#707 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, Marion P. Harthill (28) 1959-06-29
#708 -
Tortella inclinatula
, Nels Lersten (13) 1960-07-06
#709 -
Polytrichum commune
, Lewis E. Anderson (23708) 1980-09-09
#710 -
Sphagnum quinquefarium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10166) 1959-06-22
#711 -
Aulacomnium heterostichum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10197) 1959-06-27
#712 -
Forsstroemia trichomitria
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10227) 1959-06-30
#713 -
Entodon seductrix
, Lewis E. Anderson (13,266) 1959-01-23
#714 -
Fontinalis flaccida
, Howard Crum (22040) 1975-05-07
#715 -
Andreaea rothii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10586) 1959-07-25
#716 -
Philonotis fontana
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10138) 1959-06-22
#717 -
Pogonatum alpinum
, Marion P. Harthill (44) 1959-07-20
#718 -
Thuidium recognitum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10198) 1959-06-27
#719 -
Syrrhopodon texanus
, Lewis E Anderson (13641) 1960-03-26
#720 -
Pleurozium schreberi
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10197) 1959-06-27
#721 -
Plagiothecium laetum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10182) 1959-06-26
#722 -
Fontinalis antipyretica
, G. C. Tucker (1067) 1980-03-11
#723 -
Pterigynandrum sharpii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10632) 1959-07-28
#724 -
Hylocomium umbratum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (1057a) 1959-07-24
#725 -
Fissidens polypodioides
, Howard Crum (13752) 1930-03-30
#726 -
Bartramia pomiformis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10195) 1959-06-27
#727 -
Lorentziella imbricata
, Ann E. Rushing (700) 1981-03-14
#728 -
Funaria flavicans
, Howard Crum (13580) 1960-03-22
#729 -
Hypnum imponens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10158) 1959-06-22
#730 -
Bryhnia graminicolor
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10343) 1959-07-11
#731 -
Rhytidium rugosum
, Marion P. Harthill (35) 1959-07-13
#732 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22355) 1977-04-02
#733 -
Dicranum fulvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23636) 1980-06-01
#734 -
Thelia lescurii
, Howard Crum (13596) 1960-03-23
#735 -
Fissidens cristatus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10342) 1959-07-11
#736 -
Rhynchostegium serrulatum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10794) 1959-08-06
#737 -
Ulota crispa
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10357) 1959-07-12
#738 -
Stokesiella oregana
, Lewis E. Anderson (22938) 1978-06-24
#739 -
Dicranodontium asperulum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10501) 1959-07-19
#740 -
Hylocomium brevirostre
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10291) 1959-07-02
#741 -
Neckeropsis disticha
, Howard Drum (133370) 1959-01-27
#742 -
Gymnostomum angustifolium
, Howard Crum (13697) 1960-03-28
#743 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Howard Crum (13595) 1960-03-23
#744 -
Entodon macropodus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23000) 1978-07-27
#745 -
Diphyscium foliosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10237) 1959-06-30
#746 -
Amphidium mougeotii
, W. B. Schofield (10690) 1959-07-28
#747 -
Fontinalis hypnoides
, Lewis E Anderson (22572) 1978-06-18
#748 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23618) 1980-05-03
#749 -
Sphagnum portoricense
, Norman Christensen (s.n.) 1975-08-28
#750 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Lewis E. Anderson (23480) 1979-12-30
#751 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22440) 1978-03-02
#752 -
Campylopus atrovirens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10169) 1959-06-24
#753 -
Barbula vinealis
, Marion P. Harthill (2a) 1959-05-24
#754 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23752) 1980-10-04
#755 -
Leucolepis menziesii
, Marion P. Harthill (17a) 1959-05-31
#756 -
Fontinalis novae-angliae
, Lewis E Anderson (23286) 1979-10-13
#757 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum var. cuspidatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23556) 1980-01-01
#758 -
Thelia hirtella
, Lewis E. Anderson (21639) 1974-04-02
#759 -
Hypnum pallescens
, Lewis E. Anderson (23640) 1980-06-01
#760 -
Hypnum fertile
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10155) 1979-06-22
#761 -
Sphagnum molle
, Ann Stoneburner (22191) 1976-05-31
#762 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23331) 1979-12-19
#763 -
Sphagnum warnstorfii
, Lewis E. Anderson (22878) 1978-06-22
#764 -
Brachythecium salebrosum
, Lewis E. Anderson, Howard Crum (13678) 1960-03-28
#765 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Howard Crum (13562) 1959-01-31
#766 -
Fontinalis flaccida
, Howard Crum (13563) 1959-01-31
#767 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23016) 1979-06-14
#768 -
Dicranum condensatum
, H. Crum & N.G. Miller (468) 1966-07-13
#769 -
Sphagnum pylaesii
, Lewis E. Anderson (s.n.) 1976-08-26
#770 -
Brotherella recurvans
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10302) 1959-07-08
#771 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Anderson, L. E. (23600) 1980-05-02
#772 -
Sphagnum pylaesii
, David M. Lane (1053) 1979-05-04
#773 -
Sphagnum molle
, Howard Crum (22320) 1977-04-29
#774 -
Polytrichum commune
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10162) 1959-06-22
#775 -
Sphagnum papillosum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23008) 1978-10-19
#776 -
Fontinalis flaccida
, Lewis E. Anderson (23334) 1979-12-19
#777 -
Polytrichum pallidisetum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10322) 1959-07-10
#778 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23764) 1980-10-04
#779 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E Anderson (23140) 1979-08-10
#780 -
Thelia lescurii
, Lewis E. Anderson (23570) 1980-03-22
#781 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. floridanum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22991) 1978-07-27
#782 -
Taxithelium planum
, Lewis E. Anderson (13373) 1959-01-27
#783 -
Brachythecium albicans
, Lewis E. Anderson (22956) 1978-06-24
#784 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12985) 1957-08-20
#785 -
Dicranum flagellare
, Lewis E. Anderson (23326) 1979-12-19
#786 -
Campylopus surinamensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (23571) 1980-03-22
#787 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E. Anderson (23374) 1979-12-22
#788 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23664) 1980-06-06
#789 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (10171) 1959-06-24
#790 -
Sphagnum henryense
, Lewis E. Anderson (23483) 1979-12-30
#791 -
Plagiothecium cavifolium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10250) 1959-06-30
#792 -
Sematophyllum marylandicum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10241) 1959-06-30
#793 -
Syrrhopodon incompletus
, Lewis E. Anderson (23929) 1975-02-06
#794 -
Sphagnum strictum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23914) 1975-02-05
#795 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, Lewis E Anderson (22917) 1978-06-24
#796 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (21928) 1974-11-10
#797 -
Sphagnum cyclophyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23536) 1979-12-31
#798 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum
, David M. Lane (22199) 1976-02-21
#799 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10172) 1959-06-24
#800 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22123) 1975-07-30
#801 -
Pireella cymbifolia
, Lewis E. Anderson (13437) 1959-01-29
#802 -
Acroporium smallii
, Lewis E. Anderson (13374) 1959-01-27
#803 -
Brachythecium plumosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10394) 1959-07-15
#804 -
Stokesiella praelonga
, Wilfred B Schofield (11172) 1959-12-31
#805 -
Dicranum fuscescens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10363) 1959-07-12
#806 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E. Anderson (23699) 1980-07-27
#807 -
Homalothecium nuttallii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11164) 1959-12-27
#808 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, David M. Lane (23214) 1979-08-22
#809 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, David Lane (23192) 1979-08-22
#810 -
Mnium pseudopunctatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#811 -
Orthotrichum stellatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (15023) 1964-05-02
#812 -
Sciaromium lescurii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10208) 1959-06-29
#813 -
Orthotrichum lyellii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11193) 1959-12-31
#814 -
Dendroalsia abietina
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11191) 1959-12-31
#815 -
Bestia longipes
, W.B. Schofield (11206) 1960-01-01
#816 -
Philonotis fontana
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10807) 1959-08-09
#817 -
Paraleucobryum longifolium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10308) 1959-07-08
#818 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23401) 1979-12-26
#819 -
Taxiphyllum taxirameum
, Howard Crum (13259) 1959-01-21
#820 -
Luisierella barbula
, Howard Crum (13338) 1959-01-26
#821 -
Sciaromium lescurii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10331) 1959-07-11
#822 -
Anomodon attenuatus
, L. E. Anderson (13675) 1960-03-28
#823 -
Thuidium minutulum
, Lewis E Anderson (13674) 1960-03-28
#824 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E Anderson (23591) 1980-05-02
#825 -
Sphagnum fitzgeraldii
, Lewis E Anderson (21645) 1974-04-13
#826 -
Syrrhopodon texanus
, Lewis E. Anderson (22241) 1975-02-04
#827 -
Dicranella hilariana
, Lewis E. Anderson (13661) 1960-03-27
#828 -
Campylopus tallulensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (12730) 1957-06-10
#829 -
Isopterygium cuspidifolium
, Howard Crum (13677) 1960-03-28
#830 -
Fissidens taxifolius
, Lewis E. Anderson (13676) 1960-03-28
#831 -
Bryohaplocladium microphyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson, Howard A. Crum (13254) 1959-01-23
#832 -
Ulota hutchinsiae
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8833) 1958-07-19
#833 -
Entodon hampeanus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11094) 1959-10-24
#834 -
Syrrhopodon incompletus
, Lewis E Anderson (13331) 1959-01-26
#835 -
Sphagnum pylaesii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10170) 1959-06-24
#836 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23624) 1980-05-04
#837 -
Sphagnum girgensohnii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10373) 1959-07-12
#838 -
Grimmia pilifera
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9619) 1958-08-08
#839 -
Sematophyllum adnatum
, Henry S Conard (s.n.) 1960-04-28
#840 -
Weissia jamaicensis
, Lewis E Anderson (13649) 1960-03-26
#841 -
Fissidens bushii
, Howard Crum (13763) 1960-03-31
#842 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23446) 1978-03-02
#843 -
Hylocomium brevirostre
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9330) 1958-07-23
#844 -
Neckera pennata
, Wilfred B Schofield (9277) 1958-07-19
#845 -
Bartramidula cernua
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11113) 1959-10-25
#846 -
Tortula amphidiacea
, Wilfred B Schofield (11119) 1959-10-25
#847 -
Hypnum imponens
, Howard Crum (12607) 1957-03-01
#848 -
Fissidens exilis
, Damon Smith (626) 1982-03-16
#849 -
Macrocoma sullivantii
, Lewis E. Anderson (9944) 1951-06-06
#850 -
Dicranella heteromalla
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9872) 1958-08-23
#851 -
Sphagnum quinquefarium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9732) 1958-08-13
#852 -
Bartramia pomiformis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8689) 1958-08-13
#853 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22186) 1976-05-10
#854 -
Sphagnum subsecundum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22374) 1977-06-27
#855 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E Anderson (23550) 1980-01-01
#856 -
Neckera douglasii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11205) 1960-01-01
#857 -
Funaria hygrometrica
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11258) 1960-05-03
#858 -
Fontinalis dalecarlica
, Lewis E. Anderson (23017) 1979-06-20
#859 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23151) 1979-08-10
#860 -
Sphagnum quinquefarium
, Howard Crum (22319) 1977-04-29
#861 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E. Anderson (22142) 1975-07-31
#862 -
Weissia jamaicensis
, Lewis E Anderson (23462) 1979-12-29
#863 -
Sphagnum molle
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10165) 1959-06-22
#864 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23542) 1980-01-01
#865 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Lewis E Anderson (23793) 1980-10-04
#866 -
Claopodium whippleanum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11186) 1959-12-31
#867 -
Fissidens reesei
, L. E. Anderson & H. A. Crum (13332) 1959-01-26
#868 -
Pohlia elongata
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9187) 1958-07-13
#869 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23382) 1979-12-22
#870 -
Racomitrium aduncoides
, W. B. Schofield (10585) 1959-07-25
#871 -
Brachythecium oxycladon
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10548) 1959-07-22
#872 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23561) 1980-01-02
#873 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23481) 1979-12-30
#874 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23938) 1975-02-06
#875 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23517) 1979-12-31
#876 -
Plagiothecium cavifolium
, Lewis E. Anderson (23841) 1981-05-07
#877 -
Ceratodon purpureus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11235) 1960-04-14
#878 -
Sphagnum portoricense
, Lewis E. Anderson (23539) 1979-12-31
#879 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E Anderson (23678) 1980-06-06
#880 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E. Anderson (23526) 1979-12-31
#881 -
Sphagnum perichaetiale
, Lewis E. Anderson (23500) 1979-12-30
#882 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23534) 1979-12-31
#883 -
Leucobryum albidum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23408) 1979-12-27
#884 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23183) 1979-08-21
#885 -
Funaria flavicans
, Lewis E. Anderson (23941) 1975-04-17
#886 -
Sphagnum recurvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23554) 1980-01-01
#887 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (22125) 1975-07-30
#888 -
Syrrhopodon incompletus
, Lewis E. Anderson (13410) 1959-01-28
#889 -
Sphagnum fuscum
, Howard Crum (889) 1982-07-00
#890 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, Howard Crum (890) 1982-08-00
#891 -
Tortella fragilis
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#892 -
Paraleucobryum longifolium
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-00-00
#893 -
Pohlia nutans
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-08-00
#894 -
Sphagnum fimbriatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#895 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#896 -
Cratoneuron commutatum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#897 -
Sphagnum angustifolium
, Crum, H. (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#898 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, Wilfred B Schofield (10804) 1959-08-08
#899 -
Hypnum curvifolium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8894) 1958-06-28
#900 -
Atrichum angustatum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11081) 1959-10-24
#901 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1982-07-00
#902 -
Sphagnum fitzgeraldii
, Lewis E. Anderson (24242) 1982-11-21
#903 -
Fissidens garberi
, Lewis E. Anderson (13253) 1959-01-23
#904 -
Syrrhopodon texanus
, Lewis E. Anderson (13205) 1959-01-21
#905 -
Orthotrichum pusillum
, Lewis E. Anderson (24258) 1983-03-07
#906 -
Anomodon attenuatus
, L. E. Anderson (12610) 1957-03-01
#907 -
Anomobryum filiforme
, L. E. Anderson (12818) 1957-08-26
#908 -
Ditrichum pallidum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (11260) 1960-05-03
#909 -
Sphagnum squarrosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10822) 1959-08-09
#910 -
Trematodon longicollis
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8667) 1958-06-15
#911 -
Leptodontium excelsum
, Lewis E Anderson (13571) 1958-05-22
#912 -
Haplohymenium triste
, Howard Crum (12609) 1957-03-01
#913 -
Forsstroemia trichomitria
, Lewis E. Anderson (12611) 1957-03-01
#914 -
Mielichhoferia mielichhoferi
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9675) 1958-08-12
#915 -
Scopelophila ligulata
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9703) 1958-08-13
#916 -
Dicranodontium asperulum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12755) 1957-06-14
#917 -
Sphagnum bartlettianum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8657) 1958-06-15
#918 -
Orthotrichum anomalum
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#919 -
Dicranodontium denudatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12816) 1957-08-26
#920 -
Rhabdoweisia crispata
, Wilfred B Schofield (9768) 1958-08-14
#921 -
Brachythecium salebrosum
, Lewis E. Anderson, Howard A. Crum (12612) 1957-03-01
#922 -
Campylium hispidulum
, Howard Crum (922) 1983-07-00
#923 -
Dryptodon patens
, Lewis E. Anderson (22936) 1978-06-24
#924 -
Eurhynchium pringlei
, Lewis E. Anderson (22255) 1976-08-25
#925 -
Sphagnum papillosum
, Howard Crum (925) 1982-07-00
#926 -
Sphagnum centrale
, Leo F. Koch (2837) 1948-07-25
#927 -
Tortula ruralis
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1963-07-00
#928 -
Sphagnum lenense
, James O. Luken (s.n.) 1982-07-21
#929 -
Sphagnum balticum
, Luken, O. (s.n.) 1982-07-31
#930 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8772) 1958-06-20
#931 -
Dicranum scoparium
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8736) 1938-06-19
#932 -
Hypnum fertile
, Wilfred B. Schofield (10824) 1959-08-09
#933 -
Hylocomium splendens
, Lewis E. Anderson (12750) 1957-06-14
#934 -
Dicranum fulvum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12614) 1957-03-01
#935 -
Tortella tortuosa
, Lewis E. Anderson (13046) 1957-08-24
#936 -
Splachnum luteum
, James O. Luken (s.n.) 1982-07-31
#937 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, Lewis E Anderson (12760) 1957-06-14
#938 -
Thuidium delicatulum
, Howard Crum (12613) 1957-03-01
#939 -
Neckera pennata
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9988) 1959-04-04
#940 -
Hypnum imponens
, Harold Robinson (9943) 1959-04-04
#941 -
Mnium punctatum var. appalachianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12840) 1957-08-28
#942 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Lewis E. Anderson (12785) 1957-06-14
#943 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12794) 1957-06-20
#944 -
Dicranum condensatum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9917) 1959-03-20
#945 -
Sphagnum molle
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9126) 1958-07-12
#946 -
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. floridanum
, Lewis E. Anderson (20451a) 1982-03-10
#947 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9162) 1958-07-13
#948 -
Pogonatum pensilvanicum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8752) 1958-06-20
#949 -
Philonotis fontana
, Wilfred B Schofield (9594) 1958-08-07
#950 -
Rhytidium rugosum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9264) 1958-07-16
#951 -
Pleurochaete squarrosa
, Lewis E. Anderson (13204) 1957-07-30
#952 -
Hylocomium brevirostre
, Lewis E Anderson (13022) 1957-08-25
#953 -
Brachelyma subulatum
, L.F. Swails, Jr. (s.n.) 1957-01-27
#954 -
Sphagnum molle
, Lewis E. Anderson (12786) 1957-06-14
#955 -
Sphagnum quinquefarium
, Lewis E. Anderson (12796) 1957-06-20
#956 -
Mnium punctatum var. appalachianum
, Lewis E. Anderson (12784) 1957-06-14
#957 -
Entodon seductrix
, Lewis E. Anderson (13042) 1957-10-22
#958 -
Hedwigia ciliata
, Wilfred B Schofield (8806) 1958-06-21
#959 -
Hypnum pallescens
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9618) 1959-08-08
#960 -
Ulota hutchinsiae var. hutchinsiae
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8732) 1958-06-19
#961 -
Ptilium crista-castrensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (12759) 1957-06-14
#962 -
Leucodon brachypus
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8735) 1958-07-19
#963 -
Andreaea rothii
, Lewis E. Anderson (12605) 1957-03-01
#964 -
Anomodon rostratus
, Lewis E. Anderson (12606) 1957-03-01
#965 -
Campylopus tallulensis
, Lewis E. Anderson (13049) 1957-08-24
#966 -
Hylocomium brevirostre
, Lewis E. Anderson (12758) 1957-06-14
#967 -
Orthotrichum ohioense
, Lewis E. Anderson (13571) 1959-04-15
#968 -
Haplohymenium triste
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9970) 1959-04-04
#969 -
Entodon macropodus
, Lewis E. Anderson (13038) 1957-10-22
#970 -
Sematophyllum marylandicum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9091) 1958-07-07
#971 -
Tetraphis pellucida
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8544) 1958-06-11
#972 -
Pleuridium acuminatum
, Harold Robinson (11259) 1960-05-03
#973 -
Ditrichum pallidum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (9186) 1958-07-13
#974 -
Pleuridium ravenelii
, Lewis E. Anderson (13582) 1960-03-22
#975 -
Neckera douglasii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8326) 1957-08-29
#976 -
Aulacomnium heterostichum
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8422) 1958-04-20
#977 -
Fissidens bushii
, Wilfred B. Schofield (8382) 1958-04-19
#978 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, Leo F Koch (s.n.) 1948-08-14
#979 -
Polytrichum juniperinum var. affine
, Leo F. Koch (288-C) 1948-07-25
#980 -
Neckera pennata
, Lewis E. Anderson (24174) 1982-09-24
#981 -
Orthotrichum rupestre
, Lewis E. Anderson (24108) 1982-09-25
#982 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Leo F Koch (2884-A) 1948-07-25
#983 -
Fontinalis antipyretica
, Lewis E. Anderson (24198) 1982-09-26
#984 -
Brachythecium rivulare
, Lewis E. Anderson (24196) 1982-09-26
#985 -
Sphagnum riparium
, James O. Luken (985) 1982-07-31
#986 -
Bruchia flexuosa
, David M. Lane (1052) 1979-05-03
#987 -
Trematodon ambiguus
, Leo F. Koch (3107) 1948-08-09
#988 -
Sphagnum imbricatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23953) 1981-10-20
#989 -
Sphagnum tenellum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23954) 1981-10-20
#990 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23955) 1981-10-20
#991 -
Sphagnum magellanicum
, Lewis E. Anderson (23997) 1981-11-01
#992 -
Sphagnum palustre
, Lewis E. Anderson (24021) 1981-11-02
#993 -
Sphagnum compactum
, Lewis E. Anderson (24031) 1981-11-02
#994 -
Sphagnum cuspidatum
, Lewis E Anderson (23994) 1981-11-01
#995 -
Sphagnum molle
, Lewis E. Anderson (24023) 1981-11-02
#996 -
Sphagnum torreyanum
, Lewis E. Anderson (24253) 1983-02-26
#997 -
Amblystegium trichopodium
, Lewis E. Anderson (24254) 1983-03-03
#998 -
Brachythecium acuminatum
, Lewis E. Anderson (24257) 1983-03-03
#999 -
Anomodon rostratus
, Lewis E. Anderson (24256) 1983-03-03
#1000 -
Bryoandersonia illecebra
, Lewis E. Anderson (24257) 1983-03-03
#1213A -
Fontinalis neomexicana
, A. S. Foster (s.n.) 1910-06-20
#2132 -
Fontinalis neomexicana
, A. S. Foster (s.n.) 1907-06-19
#2769 -
Fontinalis neomexicana
, A. S. Foster (s.n.) 1910-07-04
#3003 -
Mnium affine var. rugicum
, L. F. Koch (3003) 1948-08-03
#3228 -
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
, Howard Crum (s.n.) 1955-06-14
#15794 -
Brachymenium macrocarpum
, C.A. Purpus (s.n.) 1931-09-00