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Claude Garton Herbarium, Lakehead University Bryophyte Collection (LKHD)
The Claude Garton Herbarium a regional herbarium of Northwestern Ontario. Currently the accessioned specimens number over 110,000 and of these there is an almost complete collection of the vascular plants of the Thunder Bay area, of which there are about 1000 species. These include the conifers, flowering plants, ferns, clubmosses and horsetails. The herbarium also contains a good representation of the local non-vascular plants: approximately 300 species of mosses; about 100 species of liverworts and approximately 200 species of lichens. Substantial exchanges in the past with Finland, in particular, have added more boreal specimens of lichens and bryophytes. The Claude Garton Herbarium is open to the public. Loans of specimens are usually reserved for institutions that are carrying out research such as plant distributions and taxonomic revisions. The herbarium is currently limiting its intake of physical specimen and strongly encourages submissions of new observations on the iNaturalist platform.
Emeritus Professor: Ladislav Malek, lmalek@lakeheadu.ca
Assistant Curator Technician: Kristi Dysievick, kedysiev@lakeheadu.ca
Collection Statistics
- 1,553 specimen records
- 11 (0.71%) georeferenced
- 1,342 (86%) identified to species
- 35 families
- 38 genera
- 79 species
- 80 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)